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5 Messages

Thursday, July 21st, 2016 4:46 PM


To whom it may concern,
Over the past month of beginning our service with AT&T we have experienced SIGNIFICANT issues. I have tried every route to solve these issues (see attached) and I have gotten absolutely no where! After I have personally spent well over 5 hours total with your customer service line and not receiving a "promised" call back I am at my wits end and this problem needs to be addressed and solved today!
Email I sent to the sales lady who sold us our package -
Hi Brandy,
I am not sure if you have received the voice-mail that Mike left on your cell phone, but I will give you a brief summary, either way. Please make note of the following:
1. I would like to highlight the fact that you were well over an hour late to the meeting that we scheduled, which also lead to myself and Mike having to stay after work hours, also leaving the two techs who were there on time feeling very embarrassed and wasting their time while we all waited on your arrival.
2. When you finally made it to our office, we had the meeting we were promised and as led to believe that switching our service from Atlantic Broadband to AT&T was going to be the answer to all of our Internet and phone problems. Mike and I were given the impression by your sales pitch that we would be receiving fiber optic Internet capabilities that would increase our operating speeds significantly as well as a simple to use easily transferable phone system, both of which we have now discovered are completely insufficient.
3. You told me that you would bring by our proposal for both the Internet and new phone system the following Monday. You did not show up for that meeting but, instead you emailed the proposal.
4. I called you to express our dissatisfaction with AT&T's services. You promptly returned my call and told me that you would stop by the office the following Monday on your way back from Orangeburg but, you never showed up.
5. The technician (Mike Tompkins) came on June 17th at his scheduled time to install our Internet. The following week we began switching all of our devices to the AT&T network, which is where major problems were identified. We had to call our personal IT provider who informed us that the installation was not done correctly, that a fiber had been severed (due to the weather, which might I add it was a beautiful day out, not a cloud insight), and that we would have to have the AT&T technician come back out and redo the installation. When I called the tech to schedule a date for him to come back out to fix the problem and express my dissatisfaction with our service he very candidly informed me that the services in which we had been promised were not what we would be receiving and that everything in which we had been told was simply a sales tactic.
6. Our IT provider called your technician and customer service department in order to try to sort out this situation. In total our IT guys spent well over 5 hours on the phone with you all and countless hours in our office working on the system. (See attached invoice)
7. After working in our office for over 2 hours today we completely switched our network and devices to AT&T (we had still been using Atlantic Broadband because of the improperly installed and defective AT&T modem). The Internet speed of the AT&T wifi after switching over was absolutely horrible, SIGNIFICANTLY slower than we had service with Atlantic Broadband. The company who services our printers/scanners/copiers came out to switch all of those devices over to the new AT&T network (her third time coming out, I'll send you that invoice when I receive it). To scan a document, to myself, using our scanner now takes at least 5 minutes for me to receive due to the poor wifi quality. As a company, our operating times were cut down dramatically, also due to the weak wifi. Having a reliable and functional system is key in our line of work, and with every minute having to wait on a file to download, an email to send, a web page to load, we are unable to provide the services that we promise our clients, therefore resulting in us losing money.
8. The phone system set up and process is absolutely ridiculous, and not AT ALL what we were promised. Not once was it relayed that I would be spending over three hours on the phone with a stranger based out of California (also time when clients and vendors cannot call because I am on the phone). Also, I never received a quote for the phones that John assured me that you would be providing to me. Therefore we will not be using the phone system through you all and we will be refunded for the three time charge of $33 for the installation process, another element that was not initially presented to Mike or myself.
As you can gather we are VERY dissatisfied with the services in which we have received when we were promised differently. We are an advertising agency, we deal with sales every day, we pitch our clients proposals every day and understand we know how sales work. When you have an agreement you stand by that agreement. If you do not, you lose business, you lose revenue, and you tarnish your reputation. It is almost 9:00 at night, I have worked all day. I haven't eaten dinner, but here I sit typing this email to you because I made my company a promise to find a solution for our phone/wifi problems, and that is exactly what I am going to do.
So here is what is going to happen; we are not going to have our phone service through you all (no use trying to convince us otherwise on that), our wifi speed and reliability is going to increase significantly (50/5mbps) or we will also terminate that service. You all will not receive any payment until these problems are addressed and fixed. The attached invoice from our IT providers will also be compensated in some way in which we can agree upon. I will be contacting customer service tomorrow morning to express to them our dissatisfaction with the services we have received, and a solution will be found, if not with you all, then with another provider who is able to stand by their word.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Taylor Buzhardt
** mind the attached invoice from SPEK has now significantly increased in price due to them having to come out many more times to try to fix the problems you all have created for our company.
Our wifi was completely disconnected yesterday because we had not paid our bill (who is going to pay a bill when you aren't receiving the service you signed up for?). Our company relies on our internet connection and with it being down for several hours yesterday that cost us quite a bit of money. Not to mention I HAD to call and pay our bill to get our service back so that we could operate, even if it was with poor quality!
I have yet to hear back from Brandy, Marcie, or the customer service department as of 9:35 July 21, 2016. It would be great if someone could please make some attempt of making this problem right!!!!
Brandy Carr - 706-910-6331 (sales rep who sold us our package)
Marcie - 803-741-8245 (Brandy's "supervisor)
***please see all of the attached files
Someone needs to get in touch with me today, ASAP!
Taylor Buzhardt
South Company
Office: 803-226-0284
Mobile: 803-687-3053
Email: taylor@south-company.com
Website: www.south-company.com
Address: 132 Chesterfield St. S Aiken, SC 29801


3 Attachments

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