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BawlOreally's profile



15 Messages

Thursday, January 19th, 2017 6:23 AM

Re: Deceptive selling practices - bait and switch

This address does not work for contacting Direct TV.  @ATTDIRECTVCare

Despite repeated chat sessions of which we both have copies, repeated promises that I would be called and it never happened, assurances that notes were being made and reviews would take place, which never happened, assurances that I would be contacted and efforts made to waive my early termination fees, nothing has been done on the part of AT&T or Direct TV to even acknowledge your poor service.  I am not alone.  I have been on your community forums.  The issues I have complained about are the same that large numbers of customers all across the country have complained about.  

In chat sessions, invariably, the chat personnel understand, will get to the bottom of this, are concerned and want nothing more than to satisfy the customer.  Meanwhile they waste hours of my time and do absolutely nothing and then fail to follow through with anything they have advised in writing that they would do.
I am stunned and ashamed that I have spent all this time thinking that there was even a tiny bit of truth in assurance of care expressed to me by all these useless, amoral hirelings.  I am surprised any of you can sleep at night.  I guess it might be marginally better  used car sales.  You do have my records, chat sessions and probably recordings of calls.  You also have my telephone number and email address.
I do not figure to hear any response to this, but I have already wasted so much time with you that one more shot seems reasonable.  Besides, it is therapeutic.   
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