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19 Messages

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 6:52 AM


Please read all my previous post to understand what this is about. Since my last post AT&T and Sedgewick claims management decided, that they would like to pay to have my Septic damage escavated, meaning they want the septic company that i hire to dig up my septic drain field to see a damaged pipe but they are leaving it a ??? if they want to pay for the damages to the pipe. What home owner wants the drain field dug up and then not sure if the damages is going to be paid for. Pictures clearly show that AT&T torn up the drain field causing damage to pipes. There is tire marks in the drain field and black sludge coming up. Septic company i hired to come out to see the damage said that there is no need to expose the pipe before repairs can be done because it is a health hazard and AT&T violated health laws for septics, that state that  no equipment heavier than a lawn mower shall be used on a drain field because pipes will break if heavy equipment is used. Septic company said that signs of damage is black sewage seepage that comes up from a damaged pipe. AT&T says they want the septic company to show them the exposed pipe damage, the septic company says that the damage is exposed on the surface on the drain field with black sludge from the damaged pipe and if they dig up the whole drain field that they can't promise that they will not damage the pipe too getting all the gravel and septic waste sludge from a round the pipe to expose it. An adjuster who came out to my home for AT&T says that if the septic company damages the pipe while trying to expose it for AT&T to see, that the septic company has insurance too. So now we are back to square one and still left to suffer, because it looks like AT&T'S priority is trying to back out of paying for the damages they caused and putting their dirty work on a innocent septic company to blame them for something that they did not do or cause which makes the septic company uncomfortable with doing the damaged septic work. It seems like AT&T is trying to put us in a bind to make us suffer so they can back out of paying for the damages. We are still suffering with no water for bath or showers and we are still using a porta potty camping toilet. This is a total health hazard and we are going to get very sick soon if this is not resolved, and now AT&T now decides to make us suffer some more with the smell of sewage and the fact that they want  the pipe dug up but repairs remain a ??? if they want to pay or back out. LOOK AT THE PICTURES AT&T!!!! stop playing games we are suffering here don't try to get out of not paying for the damages, do what you know is right and pay for the damges that your equipment caused. This is inhumane of AT&T to treat us this way. We want the repairs paid for and not a ???. Why make us suffer further, what is the point in it ?. You got to know that your equipment has damaged are drain field and there is no question about that because if are drain field was already damaged then why would AT&T be installing a cable in a thick black septic sludge in the drainfield? AT&T HAS trespassed on my property in a area the drain field that they should not of been near and they never followed the paint marks of a previous AT&T tecnician that was drawn of where the cable was to be put in my yard. So it makes sense that are drain field was perfectly dry and working before your equipment messed it up. Come to terms and don't make us suffer, pay for what you caused. Please forward this post and pictures to your presidents office. JUST LOOK AT THE PICTURES THAT REALLY TELL VERY WELL WHAT HAPPENED AT&T. A TORN UP DRAIN FIELD CAUSED BY THE FORCE OF YOUR EQUPMENT.




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