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8 Messages

Thursday, January 25th, 2024 1:09 AM

ATT Bait and Switch to get seniors to upgrade their phones

We weren't really interested in upgrading our phones, especially not my husband and this can be verified in our decades old account with ATT, but we kept getting bombarded with messages from AT&T and especially by the ATT sales people every time we walked into Sams Club.


On November 14 we walked into the ATT Store after lunch and asked the ATT person if our phones qualified for the free phone upgrade.  She checked and said they were.  


We then continued our afternoon and ran into Sam’s Club to pick up dinner.  Again, we were greeted and lured in by the ATT rep regarding our phones.  We handed him our phones and asked  if our phones qualified and he checked and said they did.  We then decided to go ahead with the free phone promotion.  He  initiated the process for us to send our old phones to be returned to ATT and to receive the new phones . We looked over all of the paperwork and never saw any red flags that stated that any of our phones were not qualified. When we received our new phones, we quickly sent our phones back to the AT&T receivership facility.


On December 21 my husband received a text message from ATT advising that  his phone did not qualify .  My husband quickly called ATT and was told that his phone did indeed qualify and that the error would be fixed.  We now are in receipt of the latest bill and imagine our shock and horror when we discovered that we are being charged for his phone.  Once again, we were on the phone with ATT customer service (which was an hour process) and the rep told us that my husband’s phone was only valued at $25, ten dollars short of the $35 qualifying price.  We asked where this information is published and who makes the determination.  All fell on deaf ears.  We were promised that a supervisor/manager would call us back.  No one ever did.


At this time, we are prepared to file a complaint with the Consumer Service bureau under the auspices of the Attorney General’s office.  We are also going to petition Sam’s Club as to why they allow ATT to set up a bait and switch kiosk on their floor.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

5 months ago

If you had really read the paperwork provided by Smart circle (Not AT&T). You would have read in the agreement a couple of things that *should* have been red flags, or at least information that you should have banked so that you would understand how this promotion worked, whether or not you qualified, and when you should expect bill credits against your installments 

1.  You had to be on or switch too and unlimited plan with a base price for one line of $75 or more before discounts.  The current starter plan, extra and premium plan do qualify. Older mobile share plans did not.  

2. You are billed every single month for the full cost of the phone in installments over 36 months. That's how all of these promotions are run.

3.Credits don't start for approximately 90 days from date of purchase.   If your purchase was made November 14th, the earliest you should expect credits is February 14th.  

You did not say what phones you purchased or what phones you traded in. Every single promotion from AT&T is published on their website on their sales page. The published promotion provides full details on exactly how the promotion works, when you can expect bill credits, conditions under which you may keep your bill credits, and the phones that are eligible for purchase and for trade in on that specific phone purchase.


ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

5 months ago

Here's a sample of an older iPhone promotion...

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

5 months ago

And a sample of the current Samsung offer, which can be found on the website today with this exact same wording

8 Messages

5 months ago

This information was nowhere to be found.  That's why we asked an ATT employee and the ATT rep at Sam's Club

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 months ago

Hi @Davsaz! Thank you for reaching out to us., Sounds like you've been through a lot, and we want to help change this experience for you. We're here to help you.

The Community Forums are a public support option where other users, and AT&T, will try and assist with high level support needs. This means we won’t be able to look into account specific concerns.  To get the help you need for your unique issue, please review our Contact us page https://www.att.com/support/contact-us/ and choose the best option to reach out to us.  You can call, chat, or reach out via social media, and we can review your specific issue and provide you support.  If you feel your issue isn’t account specific, and can be answered generally, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you for contacting AT&T Community & Forums,

Susan, AT&T Community Specialist

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

5 months ago

As in my published photos, AT&T's information is all well published and easy to find online. A simple Google search of AT&T's current sales page, looking at all the offer details, including the list of phones included in their promotion back in November. Something you could have done before engaging with people at Sam's club.

The kiosk in Sam's club is not AT&T. They are a long-term franchisee. AT&T grants them franchise rights but then has no control. They do not hire and fire their employees.   They do not get a paycheck from AT&T, it would say Smart circle.  

Other than some sort of additional perk which Sam's club and Costco may offer in the form of a gift card for their store, There is absolutely nothing they can offer you that you can't get directly from an actual AT&T store

    That's why the offers are published, and public.  There are no secret behind the scenes offers. That would account to discrimination and/or favoritism

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

5 months ago

@Davsaz  You missed the point. AT&T kiosks in places like Sam's Club, Target, Costco, etc are not owned or operated by AT&T nor are they staffed with AT&T employees. They are independents whose sole purpose is to sell AT&T goods and services and then pass that information on to AT&T who has no clue as to what was said and/or promised to the customer. Being as they are independents, AT&T has no control over how they conduct business, and some retailers will do and say anything to make a sale, usually by not disclosing the details of the plan or promising something that AT&T doesn't. AT&T will only honor what is listed, in detail, on their website as @formerlyknownas posted. Technically, you did business with the retailer (the kiosk in Sam's Club) and not AT&T. And, you are bound to Binding Arbitration and/or possible Small Claims, which is detailed in the TOS that you should have read or looked for if it wasn't given to you.

Personally I think it's a shame that AT&T entered into these long term contracts with companies like Smart Circle without some oversight on how they conduct their businesses. Hopefully AT&T will seriously re-consider the details of these contracts when they come up for renewal.

You can always try to file an online complaint with the BBB. That will get forwarded directly to AT&T Upper Management and someone will contact you. That way you can discuss the issue directly with someone from the Office of the President. Just have all of your receipts and paperwork in order when they call. They MAY be able to help. That's as high up in AT&T a customer can go.

Just remember, it's not AT&T, it's Smart Circle (the retail operator) who mislead you. Sam's Club will just tell you to contact AT&T who will tell you to discuss the issue with the retail operator at Sam's Club. 

You also need to be aware that there are also Authorized AT&T Retail Stores (brick and mortar) that look exactly like an AT&T Corporate Store. Those too are independents and some operate the same way as they kiosk in Sam's Club, Costco, etc. You need to ask when you go in if they are a Retailer or Corporate Store. The outside signage should say "Authorized" but not always. 

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

5 months ago

I just want to know when does being a senior get you out of any responsibility for stuff that you do or don't do?  Exempt you from doing any homework or leg work?  And somehow make you suddenly extremely vulnerable to every advertisement "bombarding" you with offers and enticements?

I'm a retired person. Can I now claim to be bombarded by Reese's peanut butter cup ads, so I should eat them all day long? What about McDonald's?   Decidedly unhealthy foods.   There's a car insurance ad at at every commercial break I would be switching my insurance company on a daily basis if I fell for every single ad telling me their insurance was cheaper than the other guy.  

 I am bombarded by T-Mobile ads at every corner.  I got their flyer in the mail again this week.   But I'm also smart enough to know that T-Mobile has no coverage at my house because everyone with T-Mobile service who comes here (which is absolutely every service person who's done work on my house)  -  has no service here

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

5 months ago

As a Senior, I, too, am offended when some yells “ they’re taking advantage of us seniors!”

You are older and should be wiser, more experienced and cynical when it comes to your personal business and making financial decisions.  Do your homework.  Ask questions and then confirm (or reject) the answers given.  I’ve had many discussions with other seniors about how they can be so naive & trusting.  

My attorney daughter worked with an elder abuse center and it was sad how many seniors allow themselves to be taken advantage….most of which could be avoided by just saying “NO!”  🤷‍♀️


ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

5 months ago

I too am a retired senior. "No thank you" is the operative phrase. If the deal sounds really good, or too good to be true, I'll listen to what they have to say and then go online with AT&T and see if the same deal is there, but I would still not do business with anyone other than AT&T, or any carrier directly. The deal or promo should be the same. I've had these independents actually follow me for a few feet trying to get me to sign up for their promotion. It really is sad. But the bottom line is that it's my choice. And if I make a bad choice, I have no one to blame but myself. Taking time to do a little research in the privacy of your home can save you hours of frustration, and money.

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