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The Samsung Galaxy S24
lisamarie66's profile



11 Messages

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018 4:54 AM

Changed my phone number and now can't receive texts from certain people - Advanced Messaging Issue??

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and yesterday I changed my phone number and immediately after that my mom and husband couldn't text me. When they try and send me a text it tells them to "Retry" but no matter how many times that they retry, the text will not go through. This had never happened prior to me changing my phone number. We are all with AT&T - my husband has a Samsung and my mom has an LG.  The weird thing is that I tried restarting my phone and that allowed my mom to send me one text but then it stopped working again.

So far it seems like anyone with either a different provider or an Iphone have no issues texting me.

I chatted with AT&T and they advised me to have my husband and mom turn off their Advanced Messaging feature -- this DID work and now I can get texts from them. 

My issue is that they should not have to keep their advanced messaging feature turned off in order to text me. Especially because this was never an issue up until changing my phone number-- Why did that impact me receiving their text messages and how can this issue be fixed so that we can all use Advanced Messaging? 

This is extremely frustrating and now I am wishing that I never changed my phone number. Please help!




101 Messages

6 years ago

It seems like AT&T support already solved the issue? You did say it was working. There are numerous reasons why that could've happened and are very complicated to explain.  But, to be honest with you, the advanced messaging only allows you to send bigger files (such as pictures) and really isn't a big deal.



11 Messages

6 years ago



No, they did not resolve my issue. I would like to be able to receive texts without people having to keep their advanced messaging off. And it is a big issue if someone wants to send me a large file and use the sent/read receipt feature. 


Oh and just to add - with how much I pay for my cell phone and our phone bill each month, this should be able to be fixed 🙂



101 Messages

6 years ago

It's not as simple as you think to fix "major" issues like yours. I'm sure AT&T will fix that as soon as they possibly can. And its always possible to switch carriers 😁 simple as that. Sorry, but that issue is a blank to me.



11 Messages

6 years ago

Just chatted with someone and they fixed this issue for me! All they had to do was refresh the network settings on my mom and husbands phone numbers and now they can text me via direct messaging. Woohoo! 

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