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eastie's profile

2 Messages

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 7:55 PM


I once again had to check something in my phone and again in my contact list they added some more contacts in my list and I do know these people but I prefer not to have them in my contact list and I then had to stop and delete them and I do not want to get a reply about how to delete contacts as if you read this I know how but I want to know why this keeps happening to me as I was not using the phone as I was on the computer and just in one of my sites playing a game so I sure do not appreciate this happening to my contact list and just leave it alone and if I want to add a contact to my list and I sure do know how to do this also thanks

ACE - Expert


36K Messages

3 months ago

Please describe these contacts?  Persons?  Business?  Related to AT&T?

What kind phone do you have?  Apple or Android?

Where does the phone indicate these contacts are stored, e.g. Phone, SIM, Google online, etc.?

When do they appear?

Do the same ones appear after you delete them or new ones?

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