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The Samsung Galaxy S24
TimothyB's profile



1 Message

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 6:55 PM

Disappointed with Galaxy Note I (ICS GPS and Bluetooth Sync Issues)

A big feature for this big phone was using it as a GPS. It worked great! That is until the ICS update that AT&T alerted me to use.

Now the GPS is broken, unreliable, unusable.

It just doesn't get a lock. The phone can get my general location by other means, cell towers, wifi, but to actually start navigation, it will just search and search for GPS endlessly. Right now I simply opened the Maps app and hit the GPS button, it has been searching for 20+ minutes, 7% power drained, still no lock.

If some how I do get a lock and navigation starts, minutes later it will lost it in the middle of driving, leaving me blind. Inferiating if it took so long for the first lock.

How can this be acceptable? With the Note II out, will we ever see a fix? It's already been around 6 months since the ICS update, I've given up. It's not just my Note, other's have reported this issue, sometimes on other Galaxy phones too. Factory restore does not fix it. The only way is to get a replacement Note with Gingerbread.

Another huge issue, bluetooth auto sync with my car. A safe and convient feature that worked, not after ICS.

Turn on the car, Note would sync by bluetooth,  now I have to manually sync every time. This means no safe access to making/answering calls, no auto 911 dial in an accident, no way for the car to dial the phone for its navigation or other services, no bluetooth music, etc. It's unsafe to enable it while driving, too many steps, and I won't remember each time I get in my car.

To me, this phone is now broken, important features I paid for, locked into contract, are now gone thanks to their approved update that they sent me a SMS to use.

I plan to call AT&T to ask politely for a solution, which may only be a replacement with Gingerbread. Will post updates.


If there are AT&T representatives on the forum, it would be greatly appreciated for assitance to speed up creating a case and who to call.

Former Community Manager


5.2K Messages

11 years ago

I'm sorry you're having a problem with the Note & the latest update. 


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