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131 Messages

Friday, February 6th, 2015 12:02 PM

How far will AT&T lag on the Lollipop OTA?!...

Who wants to start guessing how far behind the competition AT&T will be in updating most phones to Android 5?!  I'll start the bidding at 3 weeks....do I hear 3.5 weeks?!...



400 Messages

9 years ago

I say 2 months.  Know how AT&T is.



3.2K Messages

9 years ago

Hopefully, long enough that they can fix the battery drain, overheating, and lag that so many Verizon customers are experiencing with 5.0



131 Messages

9 years ago

The Verizon issues are Verizon phone problems, and have been forever. If
there can be stable nexus and dev edition releases for several months,
there can be a stable carrier release.

I say we are 3 weeks behind the first carrier, but that we're still
probably 2 months total away from that.



3.2K Messages

9 years ago

So this article that appeared yesterday on Gottabemobile is just wrong?


"Nexus 7 devices have struggled with video playback and reboot issues, the Nexus 5 had some batter [sic] issues, and the Nexus 6 Android 5.0 release saw complaints about freezing, battery drain, app restarts and reboots, as well as a few other minor problems that should hopefully all be addressed in future updates."


I'm not a power user, but I'd just as soon have a phone that works 100% of the time on Kitkat, than one that is only 85-90% reliable on lollipop.



131 Messages

9 years ago

Besides that GottaBeMobile is nearly the TMZ of tech news, these things are
just bound to happen all of the time with all releases no matter how much
you engineer them. That's why its called development. Every iOS that's ever
come out has had these types of issues, and it's going to keep happening in
isolated cases until better development methods have been created. I've had
5.0 on my nexus 7 and Dev Ed One M8 for months and had zero problems. These
sites report on a minimally-vocal minority and sensationalize everything
for clicks.



131 Messages

9 years ago

I mean, you've got people complaining about current OS performance, too,
let alone the update. It's always going to happen that bugs are uncovered,
but that can't be an excuse for dragging the life out of an update. Trust
me, I want it to be right, too, but there's a pattern we've seen for years
on these updates, and it's that ATT takes forever and provides zero status
to their customers.



3.2K Messages

9 years ago

I don't disagree with you about there always being hiccups with any new release. But having been on the receiving end of a bad update that trashed several functions of a device, I'd prefer to have the option of an update, instead of it being forced on me.


One reason I recently switched to AT&T was that Big Red's only response to the problems was "buy a newer phone". What the heck; you're still selling the Galaxy S3 and you tell me I need a newer model phone to run the OS?



131 Messages

9 years ago

The 8 months I spent with Verizon in 2007 was a nightmare, so I'm with you
there. Also agree think it would be great if we had the option of if/when
to OTA, or at least to delay it for up to a few weeks.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

9 years ago

you know going in buying a carrier branded cell phone that you are taking a crap shoot if your going to get updates.  Hey ATT was actively blocking the OTA for 5.0.1 on all nexus 6's connected to the network. Now it did drop on the 6th of January but it was latter than all other nexus devices.  Now you cant tell my ATT nexus from the next as the att boot splash is gone(actually the whole oem partition is gone) and mine shipped sans tramp stamp on the back.  I just manually flashed the update to my n6.




If you dont like att's and samsungs update schedule you do have a choice to get a non carrier branded cell phone.  My uk s5 has lollipop bugs and all.



131 Messages

9 years ago

Agreed. I've long since purchased my last carrier branded/subsidized device. My Dev edition is my go-to, and I'm just dying for my work phone to catch up with it. In general, we need to move away from contractual obligations to carriers as a whole. They'll continue to provide ruthless customer service and service pricing until they don't have us locked into deals. Genius business move on their part to move out of service contracts and into phone update contracts. Unfortunately, consumers are often not smart enough to avoid the hook.
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