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6 Messages

Friday, September 5th, 2014 6:25 PM

LG G3 Wireless Charging with PMA Duracell Power Mat and LG Folio Circle case with PMA enabled.

To all those concerned, I have done a bit of research and determined that in some cases the LG G3 will stop wirelessly charging with no apparent cause. This happened to my phone after using the wireless charging for 2 weeks. I now am stuck getting a refurb replacement from AT&T since they won't provide a new phone to me.


The phone is about 1 month old, so outside the 14 day exchange window for the AT&T stores. None of the techs know about this issue and it's not real common since it seems the wireless charging is not being utilized according to most AT&T sources. Most AT&T reps don't even know how to place the device on the mat to get it to charge...


I'm mainly putting this out there to document my current issues and as a warning to anyone that wants to try the wireless charging. I really wish AT&T had not gone with PMA, and had instead, used the QI standard.


I tested my situation using a Folio case and a powermat from an AT&T store that were both brand new. My phone still would not wirelessly charge. I also took my existing accessories and put them on an AT&T rep's LG G3, and it did wirelessly charge. The articles I've read also state that factory resets and such do not fix any of this.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

10 years ago

must be a case by case basis then.  I have had mine since launch and it still works like it did when I bought it.  


Now I have read about your issue over on XDA.  what color is your G3?  The white ones seem to have less problems then the blue gray ones.



6 Messages

10 years ago

I have the white one. I certainly hope it's not all of them. I don't want
to have to go through this over and over.



72 Messages

10 years ago

+1 also using the folio circle case and PMA charging since launch and no issues. Seems odd that it would stop randomly. I have noticed that magnet can shift the phone easily which could cause it to stop charging. Hasn't been an issue though.



6 Messages

10 years ago

You guys give me hope that maybe it's just a bad batch that I got. Fingers



1 Message

10 years ago

Here is the XDA thread that documents the problem:





I also have this problem, and have changed out my original LG G3 3 times.  The original failed after 4-5 days.  The next 2 refurbs failed after 1-2 days.  I am not using the Powermat with the last refurb, in hopes that LG or AT&T will come out with a software fix. 


Reading the above XDA thread, it seems that the majority of users attempting wireless PMA charging will have it fail within 2 weeks.  Unfortunately, it fries something in hardware, and reboots or complete reflashing of firmware does not fix it (I tried).  A very few users state that their wireless charging continues to work, but I suspect it is only a matter of time. 


I have reported this to LG.  I would strongly suggest anyone with the problem do so, at 800-793-8896.  Make sure they file a VOC (Voice of Consumer) report to get it on the books.  They will be happy to troubleshoot your phone if you send it in to them for 2 weeks as well.  They will not provide a replacement in the interim, however. 


I do not see a quick resolution to this problem.  It occurs only with the AT&T LG G3, and no other carrier, due to the inclusion of PMA charging.  It is further restricted to the adventurous users who made the effort to go online and order the AT&T LG G3 Quick Circle Wireless Charging Case ($59) and buy Powermats (the case is still not available in my city in stores).  All 20 of these people will have to file reports with LG to spark an interest.  To investigate it, these people would need to be willing to be without a phone for 2 weeks.  Don't hold your breath.


AT&T will be happy to keep providing Refurbs, but you don't know what happened to those phones (mine is fine). 


I hope a fix comes someday - I have 2 Duracell Powermats I can't use.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

10 years ago

again mine works just like it did when I bought it.  I got it on launch day along with the case at 50% off and a g watch for 50% off for the wife.  I had mine from google i/o.


Im rooted but have not installed xposed or anything like that.  Have you installed xposed?  just trying to figure out what the common thing is on the failures.



6 Messages

10 years ago

Completely stock, no root, no exposed.



1 Message

10 years ago

I have same problem. Spent an hour at store testing powermats and cases. I will call LG tomorrow.



1 Message

10 years ago


I am going though much the same thing, I went to AT&T bought the charging folio case, and two powermats. (one  for work one for home).  10 days later no more powermat charging. We swapped the case, still no dice.   So they sent me another refurbished phone to replace the phone phone that was only 22 days out of the box.


So tried to talk to LG and they wanted me to ship them the case to them, I explained that it was the phone. Having gone through this last month. So i went back to AT&T and they grabbed a new phone tested used my case and it worked on my powermat. Now i am awaiting phone 3. They say if this donesnt work I'll get my choice of whatever phone i want. I hope it works, I have an LG Watch R and LG Tone Infiniums, that look so nice with my LG G3. 



1 Message

9 years ago

Add me to the list.


Have a Duracell Powermat with the LG Circle Case.


Worked for about a month, then nothing. AT&T sent me a new refurbed G3. Worked for about 10 days, then it stopped charging. There WERE differences between the failures...


First one failed in a way the charging pad was never recognized. The little magnetic pull disappeard and charger never chirped.


The second one still has the magnetic tug. The charging pad chips (like it recognizes the phone). The phone begins to charge (red led turns on and/or battery icon shows charging symbol in the top notification bar). However, shortly thereafter the charging stops. Also, the large battery charge animation in the circle window never appears.


One key item to note (that I can't confirm the exact date / time). About the same day, I accepted the AT&T Lollipop update. Unfortunatly, I not 100% sure it started the evening following the update.

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