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7 Messages

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016 1:51 AM

LG G4 Smart Circle Folio - Failed app and Failed wireless charging

I purchased an LG G4 in June 2015, and soon thereafter also got the Smart Circle folio cover. It worked like a champ. Wireless charging was great and the smart cover app showing the clock through the circle was snappy. Then the app failed. I started getting "Unfortunately, LGSmartCover has stopped." It would happen at startup and each time I closed and reopened the cover. And it always happened in pairs - error message pops up, click OK, message goes away and then gets redisplayed. Then I had a display issue and got a replacement phone in December. Out of the replacement box, the LGSmartCover app worked fine, but the wireless charging no longer did. I tried debugging by going to the local AT&T store and also to the AT&T "Service Center". They were unable to assist with figuring out why wireless charging didn't work (didn't even have a wireless charger...we did I go?). And then the LGSmartCover failed again. AT&T was kind enough to sent a third phone in January to see if it would fix the charging issue. It did not, but it did fix the LGSmartCover issue. For about a week. It has now failed again.
I tried the suggestions on:

None of them worked.
So, two questions:

Has anyone had issues with wireless charging with the Smart Circle case?

Has anyone had the LGSmartCover app issue and successfully defeated it?

New Member


25.7K Messages

8 years ago

I haven't run across this issue very much.

Have you tried reaching out to LG directly? I think they might have more insight into what could be causing the issues.



7 Messages

8 years ago

I have reached out and the initial response from them was to do a hard reset. I asked to have the issue elevated and was told I'd be contacted. Reaching out to this forum was insurance - I would not bet too much of my paycheck that I'll hear back from them.

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