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AlkalineCandy's profile



10 Messages

Friday, March 27th, 2015 2:49 AM

Nexus 6 OTA Updates (5.01 & 5.1)

I did my research and my homework and have it on pretty good authority (through experience) that AT&T is presently blocking updates to the Nexus 6 devices, regardless of how you purchased the device.  This is CLEAR violation of the Nexus program provided by Google where Nexus devices that are unlocked are to be able to download and apply updates when requested.  Now, we all know that Google rolls out those updates at a slower pace sometimes than we like, but to see our service provider blocking unlocked and fully personally owned devices from receiving OTA updates from Google is a travesty.  I even called your tech support department who told me point blank that you were not blocking any updates on your system.  AT&T, you need to fix this.  If you won't because you can't determine which devices are locked and unlocked on your network, then you just need to remove the block and let them update as needed.  There are plenty of developers who purchase these devices to build applications on them and you blocking a data download is like my ISP blocking me from updating Windows 8.  In fact, its a clear violation of several laws governing my unfettered access to data on the internet so long as it is lawful and does no harm to your network.  That being said, PROVE that 5.1 on the Nexus 6 is harmful to your network before you block it.  We all know it isn't so relax your controls and let it happen.  If you say it is....post the information.  We would all love to read how out of all the Nexus devices the 6 is one that could cripple AT&T's operations.  It would prove to be an interesting read right next to any lawsuits you are planning against the FCC Open Internet Rules which we all know is typical Company baloney.


Since I know my tirade will go completely unanswered and literally ignored by AT&T, here is how you can fix it on your own without mother hen getting in the way.


1)  Remove your SIM card from your phone.

2)  Perform a factory reset.

3)  During the setup process it will ask you to insert your SIM card....DON'T.  (Yep AT&T...that's how I figured out what you were doing.)

4)  Follow the rest of the steps like normal and attach on to your Wi-Fi.  You'll be immediately promopted to download the latest OTA which for me was 5.0.1.  Download and install.  After the next reboot you should see the next OTA (if you were like me).  Download and install.

5)  Re-insert AT&T's SIM card and enjoy your phone again like you should.


Hopefully you stop acting like each device on your system is your's when it clearly isn't.  Oh and your woefully slow update process for those who actually own AT&T branded devices (which I don't), needs to start speeding up.  You can't maintain your network security when you have insecure devices out there.  


Thanks and hope this helps someone.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

9 years ago

Nice rant. Its a nexus for goodness sake. Dont waste your time with factory reseting the device. Just flash the Image straight from google. Google has released 3 5.1 updates in the past week.

If a Dev has a nexus then there is no reason they dont know the adb commands to flash the new updates.



10 Messages

9 years ago

Yeah! I originally was going to ADB it up, but I was more curious as to
what was going on and had to confirm my suspicions about AT&T blocking it.

My solution works well for those who don't know how to use ADB, but the
best was is to sideload for sure.



131 Messages

9 years ago

@AlkalineCandy well said.  it's only a shame that i can't give 5 stars to the OP.  This type of carrier crap is sickening.  They know it's a small minority of people who will even notice or be impacted by this, but we have to source info such as yours to at least call them out and let other people know what's happening.  If this is happening in a Net Neutral world, imagine disgraceful, consumer-thwarting practices that would go in if the carriers had their way?  Honestly, it just scares me to think about.  Nice rant, and thanks for the post.

ACE - Expert


6.6K Messages

9 years ago

Nice write-up @AlkalineCandy! I myself have very rarely procrastinated long enough to actually get an OTA for any of my phones, but I agree that a lot of people wouldn't know how to use adb to sideload an update.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

9 years ago



19 Messages

9 years ago

Thank you for this post. I personally have been purchasing my devices directly from google play UNLOCKED and untouched from AT&T for many years. I have enjoyed the ability to recieve direct updates from google without AT&T interfering. 


Now with my Nexus 6 I am finding out this is no longer possible. I'm sure somewhere in my contract I have agreed to let AT&T screw me in any way they deem suitable *Read Unlimited Data* but I am sick of it. I paid $750 for my phone and I want my updates!!


Thanks for always doing the wrong thing AT&T


......now I will spend my afternoon sideloading the ota.zip......



10 Messages

9 years ago

Just got off the phone with a nice AT&T customer service representative who assured me that AT&T is the one who pushes out those updates to this phone and not Google.  I promptly corrected her and told her that should she have the back end knowledge of where the download came from for all NEXUS phones, she wouldn't be saying that.  She did however also state that AT&T isn't blocking anything which we all know is more than likely not exactly accurate.


So, again....here are the facts:


For Nexus Unlocked and wholy owned by the customer phones, AT&T is withholding updates from those phones until a designated period of time when it clearly does not have the right to control the operating system.


Laymans Method of Verifcation of FACT:

  • Leave AT&T SIM card in your phone and reset it back to factory defaults....no update available.
  • Remove the AT&T SIM card and reset the phone back to original specifications...update immediately available.


If you are a tech geek, you can overcome by sideloading the OS updates.  You can also verify the blocking by turning on USB debugging and see exactly where the request to update is going out to.  Whether on Wi-Fi or on AT&T data services, the location remains the same for an Unlocked Nexus 6 phone (factory unlocked).  The only difference between the laymens method is the SIM card.  The moment the SIM card is inserted....poof goes your chance to update.


There are other reported instances of verification that include sticking an T-Mobile SIM card into the phone or a Verizon and the updates appear immediately.


ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

9 years ago

The problem is ATT can withhold anything they wish since its connected to there network.  I dont think we would be seeing this problem if the phone was not released by ATT for sale.  



131 Messages

9 years ago

Actually, that's not really true, given the net neutrality clauses. They're
not allowed to choose which data makes it through to an account in good
standing. This would be no different than them blocking you from visiting
Verizon's website because they don't want you being lured by the



19 Messages

9 years ago

Well...since my last post I am now running Android 5.1 on my Nexus 6 no thanks to AT&T!


I decided to just remove my sim card and reset the phone. Instantly was prompted to update to 5.1 when the AT&T sim was not inserted.


Sure hope my ROGUE nexus 6 running 5.1 crashes the entire AT&T network. LOL!


While we are talking about work arounds to get what we should be getting from AT&T in the first place...anyone want to know how to stop AT&T from throttling your *Unlimited* data after 3-4GB? Finally figured that one out.....:)

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