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caffeinestat's profile



1 Message

Monday, September 28th, 2015 10:37 PM

PSA regarding MMS/SMS group and text messaging issues for anyone thinking of buying a G4 on AT&T.

I am X-posting this to the AT&T Forum & Reddit in the hopes of getting a response from AT&T that isn't just the standard template response and so that anyone that is considering this phone is aware of the issue.


It is sporadic and hard to replicate but in my case occurs more often in group chats vs. 1-on-1 conversations (though I have lost messages in 1-on-1 conversations as well).


I will be texting or group chatting away then every so often receive a message like this:



When I click the download button in the dialog box nothing happens. Same issue on Textra, the stock messaging app & hangouts. Same issue after factory reset. Same issue after calling AT&T and having my phone "re-registered" on the network.


Threads where this issue has been reported:

It is bizarre that such basic phone functionality as text/mms has such a huge bug to the point where many many people have reported missing messages again and again with no response from AT&T or LG. Who cares how good the camera is if I can't have a reliable conversation??? Very frustrated that I have to message people "hey did you text me? what did you say?" and no sign of a fix on the horizon.

Community Support


15.2K Messages

9 years ago

Hi @caffeienstat! I’m very sorry to hear about the MMS issues you’re having with your LG G4.


Based on the posted threads, it appears this has been seen across multiple carriers with this device. You mentioned you did a factory reset—did you restore a backup after that?

Here are a couple things to try:


First, make sure that your APN settings are correct:


Also, try wiping the cache partition:

Settings > General tab > Storage > Cached Data > OK > Reboot


Hope this helps!




3 Messages

9 years ago

Work at AT&T and have seen this frustrating problem. 

The fix we believe works is simple after trying everything on the forums. 

 Enter the messaging app.  In the messaging app, you will open the settings (three dots in the top right), then you will open the settings again (three dots in the top right), and it will give you the only option as Reset Settings. Hit reset settings and back out to the main screen and it should be fixed.  We did this for a customer and it appeared to fix the problem...Finally.

Good luck! 



2 Messages

9 years ago

Any resolution to this? I found a similar thread on the AT&T forums with no solutions from AT&T:



I have a G3 with the same problems as described. Has been getting progressively worse over the past couple months.

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