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christophersg's profile



11 Messages

Saturday, May 18th, 2019 2:29 AM

SMS/MMS Not Always Delivered/Received

Not sure why my original post was deleted, so I'm posting this again and hoping for some help!


Bear with me if I'm a little long-winded here, but here's a TL;DR: For months now, I've had intermittent issues with receiving and sending MMS and sometimes SMS on five different Pixel devices. 


The story: I noticed this on my Pixel 2XL months ago when my family members (both ATT iPhones and Android phones) would send me MMS messages that I'd never receive. Mind you, they're not even incoming/undownloadable; they don't show up at all. I'm lucky enough that we keep in touch often over other apps, and so I'd always get the "why are you ignoring me" or "you're ghosting us!" comments. Since then, I've gone through 2 RMAs for my Pixel 2 XL and 2 more RMAs for my brand-new Pixel 3. I'm on my third Pixel 3 and my second brand-new sim card, but I'm still running into these issues.


The issue: It is, unfortunately, extremely intermittent and random. Sometimes I'll send an MMS successfully, but then I hear that my message never got delivered on the other person's end. Or, sometimes I'll try to send MMS messages but get stuck in a "sending" loop, where I have to toggle Airplane mode on/off to be able to send the MMS message. It's usually around these same times that other messages drop or mysteriously never get delivered. I've checked APN settings but ATT has never suggested I change anything from the stock settings. I've changed sim cards. I've tried everything on/off Wifi. I've tried ATT/non-ATT people. I've tried Android and Apple phones. There doesn't seem to be a pattern. I have seen dozens of people on Reddit and on forums complain about similar issues with ATT/Pixels. 


This is a huge and disappointing issue. Like most everyone out there, I rely on SMS/MMS often to communicate with loved ones, clients, etc. Having to constantly check with people and ask them if they "got my message" is embarrassing and not realistic. Not knowing whether my messages have even been delivered (or if I'm receiving other people's messages) is even worse. 


Every single time I've called ATT, they've said, "It's a non-ATT phone, we do expect issues especially with Google." I don't understand how this carrier can say something like that and completely pass the problem along to Google. Google's been more helpful and has constantly troubleshooted with me to no avail. I've also had multiple tickets opened by ATT, the latest being an "urgent" issue where I would get feedback within 24 hours. Of course, I haven't heard a single thing.


ATT/Forum members, I'm begging for some help or advice. I've been part of ATT since the Cingular days and I really don't want to leave. But, if this continues, I have no choice but to switch carriers for the entire family. I can't use a service that has unreliable sms/mms in this day and age. Any and all advice is appreciated, and pre-thanks for your time. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @christophersg,


We can definitely provide you with some troubleshooting steps for this issue that you've been experiencing with sending and receiving text messages. In order to use the AT&T 4G (HSPA+) or 4G LTE data services that are required for MMS messages, you may need to program your data settings for a compatible, non-AT&T Android device, such as an unlocked device from another carrier, or a device purchased directly from the manufacturer. You can Learn how to program the correct data settings for a non-AT&T Android device here. Let us know if this helps.


Sean, AT&T Community Specialist



11 Messages

5 years ago

Thanks for the reply, Sean. I've updated my settings to this new APN and will keep an eye on it today. 


FWIW, I appreciate you chiming in. I can't believe no other ATT rep has suggested changing these APN settings after months of troubleshooting and multiple calls/chats with support. Smiley Frustrated

Community Support


232.9K Messages

5 years ago

Hello @christophersg,


You're very welcome. Please let us know if you're still experiencing this issue after the APN settings are updated. We look forward to hearing back from you.


Sean, AT&T Community Specialist

New Member


1 Message

3 years ago

I am having problems with my AAT customers not receiving my texts with very many words from my Verizon pixel 3.  This problem developed over the last week, on groups that have been in place for over a year.  Is there a settings change that is new, or any other suggestions you might have.


New Member


12 Messages

3 years ago

i have had, and continue to have, the same exact issues you have identified above. prior to switching to AT&t I had T-Mobile for 30 years and never had a problem at all. AT&t on the other hand, refuses to acknowledge that it is their services that causes these problems, and I cannot tell you at this point how many hours I have wasted trying different apps to ensure that my SMS and MMS texts are going through. because I rely upon them entirely for my work. I have spent hours upon hours upon hours installing one messaging app, uninstalling it and installing another one uninstalling it, switching between apps, and the native one on the Galaxy S10 never works and is so stupid and complicated that is pointless that AT&t even has it as it's native application.

and the issue is random and intermittent. for a period of weeks it seems like everything is fine and I think great it's finally been solved. and then I'll go through a period of about a week where nothing works and it is frustrating as all (Edited per community guidelines) and I'm pulling my hair out and I am literally just so done with AT&t that I cannot even express in words the level of disgust and disappointment and fury that I have with AT&t for the hours of time I have wasted in an effort to figure out why my paid for services are not working, and then spending hours with their alleged troubleshooters, only to have them tell me the exact same things that I've already gone through 50 different times, and then to have them charge ME fees for services they have not provided.

it's gone on far too long.


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