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The Samsung Galaxy S24
ckrobinson's profile



6 Messages

Sunday, October 19th, 2014 2:46 AM

Thanks for forcing your crapware down my throat and ruining my machine

Dear AT&T.

  My device is MY DEVICE.  It's not your device, get it?  Now, you've forced Kitkat crippleware onto my Samsung Note 8 -- a tablet that was previously working flawlessly.  You've refused to make restitution for my lost data, now completely gone, and the money I spent for apps that are now useless because I needed them to access my SD card -- which is also fairly useless as anything other than a ROM.


  It isn't your fault that google screwed us with this crippleware.  No.  But it IS your fault that even after I tried to shut it down, and that your software SAID it wasn't going to do the update, that it went ahead and put that crap on my machine.


  My Samsung galaxy 8 was an excellent device -- it's now just short of worthless.  You've lost work data, personal data, hundreds of playlists the ability to store, manipulate and encrypt data, and you're going to cost me DAYS of time to get just the music back.


  You WILL pay for this -- one way or another.  Either you WILL refund me my money for this machine so that I can by one without this crapware on it, or you WILL lose my business.


And let me make something clear once again:  This device is MINE!  It is NOT YOURS.  You are purposefully encrypting the bootloader to keep people from removing not only the crippleware you forced on the machine, but all the bloatware that's now slowing it down.  Apple lost this battle, by the way, and you clearly didn't learn from their mistakes.



5.9K Messages

10 years ago

@ckrobinson@  wrote:

Dear AT&T.

  My device is MY DEVICE.  It's not your device, get it?  Now, you've forced Kitkat crippleware onto my Samsung Note 8 -- a tablet that was previously working flawlessly.  You've refused to make restitution for my lost data, now completely gone, and the money I spent for apps that are now useless because I needed them to access my SD card -- which is also fairly useless as anything other than a ROM.


  It isn't your fault that google screwed us with this crippleware.  No.  But it IS your fault that even after I tried to shut it down, and that your software SAID it wasn't going to do the update, that it went ahead and put that crap on my machine.


  My Samsung galaxy 8 was an excellent device -- it's now just short of worthless.  You've lost work data, personal data, hundreds of playlists the ability to store, manipulate and encrypt data, and you're going to cost me DAYS of time to get just the music back.


  You WILL pay for this -- one way or another.  Either you WILL refund me my money for this machine so that I can by one without this crapware on it, or you WILL lose my business.


And let me make something clear once again:  This device is MINE!  It is NOT YOURS.  You are purposefully encrypting the bootloader to keep people from removing not only the crippleware you forced on the machine, but all the bloatware that's now slowing it down.  Apple lost this battle, by the way, and you clearly didn't learn from their mistakes.





 Welcome to the world of software licencing.


The "device" very well may be yours (if fully paid for), but the software inside is not.


AT&T has no more control over the software than you do. If they're ever guilty of anything it would be delaying software updates.


If you do in fact own the device get it unlocked and root it. Then you control updates and installed peripheral programs (bloatware).




ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

10 years ago

Actually Joe ATT does have some control on the software.  ATT navigator and other apps are added by ATT


If you want apps on the SD card op then its time to leave android.  Google has said for the last 2 years they are taking sd support out of android.  Kit Kat did that.  There are ways to get it back but you need root.



6 Messages

10 years ago

Yes, I'm aware of all the kitkat issues -- which is why I'm furious that AT&T screwed me like this.  Also, from what I've heard, Google backtracked on the SD card thing because of the backlash.  Supposedly 'L' will address this issue.  And if it doesn't?  I'll go back to Apple.  The only appeal Android has for me is the customizability and the SD card support.  If those are stolen from me, then I have no use for the machines -- I'll go back to Apple, which, quite frankly, has much superior hardware.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

10 years ago

Do you see sd card slots on the nexus 9 or 6 no because google has not backtracked on it.  


And samsung is the one who issued that rom update so they could have made the sd card work.  HTC did.


Apples does not have better hardware.  There actually playing catch up.  You made the mistake of buying a carrier branded device. you want a tablet you can customize here. 




And lets be honest here samsung has not done that Tab any favors either.


If you want unlocked unencrypted bootloaders nexus is the only way to go.  And the last time I check apple still locks there devices down till an exploit is found.



6 Messages

10 years ago

The whole point of NOT buying a nexus is that they use the apple model of gouging you for tiny bits of ram.  There's no reason to charge that much money for an additional 32 gig of ram -- other than they want to gouge you.


And maybe apple devices don't have better hardware, but you'd never know it from the S5.  If I'd been able to root it, maybe it'd be faster, but it's got so much bloat ware on it -- as well as crippleware -- that it's slower than my iPhone 5 was.


And, according to what I've read, Lollipop WILL be addressing the SD card issue.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

10 years ago

I just asked a friend at google and yes lollipop will have that built in but the OEM has to activate it if they have a sd slot in the phone or tab.


But you stated you wanted and unencrypted bootloader and your not going to get that on a samsung device.


Again if you want a smoother experence try something other than a samsung phone.  I dont see the lag on the G3 or M8.  The m8 does have SD write support by the way.  As does my G3.


I am loving lollipop on the nexus 5.  I really dont need sd card in it do to google drive and drop box


50 xtra dollars for 32 gigs on build on the SOC storage is not that bad.  With it being on the SOC its going to be faster.  So its not fair to compair an sd card to SOC.   will still get the nexus 6 with 64gigs just because its only 50 more.  Still cheaper than an iPhone 6 with 64gigs.



6 Messages

10 years ago

Thanks for the info -- it's good to know about the support.


As for "cloud" drives well... they just aren't for everyone.  People keep throwing that cloud drive option out there, and it's just not as good as they think it is.


As someone who has to travel, there are too many times when there's no way to get to a network.  People who depend on cloud drives are people who don't always need access to their data.  While the cloud is good for a lot of things, it simply is not a viable alternative to having your own data at hand.


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