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1 Message

Thursday, May 9th, 2013 4:35 PM

Data overage message

This morning at 6am I got a text saying that I used 90% of my data and at this time I was asleep. Then right after that text I got another text saying I have used up 100% of my data, when I haven't even touched my phone yet. Now I'm over my data plan and I don't understand how it's possible when I use my house wifi and I didn't use any apps the night before.

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Former Employee


1.1K Messages

11 years ago

@Annnybooo wrote:
This morning at 6am I got a text saying that I used 90% of my data and at this time I was asleep. Then right after that text I got another text saying I have used up 100% of my data, when I haven't even touched my phone yet. Now I'm over my data plan and I don't understand how it's possible when I use my house wifi and I didn't use any apps the night before.

Hello Annnybooo, thanks for your post. In certain situations, data transmits over the AT&T network even when the device connects to a WiFi hotspot or personal access point. In these cases data charges accrue. Some instances are applications such as AT&T address book, music and radio, push notifications, a brief delay in connecting to WiFi after a device awakens from sleep mode. Some phones, such as iPhone, are "always on" devices, meaning they establish a connection with the AT&T network and keep it open, even if no data transmits. 


I hope this addresses your concerns. 



63 Messages

11 years ago

You have an iPhone with the 300mb plan correct?  There is a known issue with iPhones that stop using wifi at night while plugged in and switch to data.  Some apps intermittently use data regardless of whether the app is active. 


The iPhone wasn't originally designed to be on a tiered data plan and Cupertino still hasn't gotten the memo.  


I'd get in the practive of shutting your iPhone down completely before bed every night.  You can call ATT and Apple about it but I gurantee that will be a frustrating experience though you may get AT&T to reset your allotment. 


The other alternative, and the one AT&T wants you to take is to switch to a higher data plan.  



3 Messages

11 years ago

Me too, i was told it was the iphone 3 that was using up data, i even had the phone completly off at night and some how it was using data? So i bought a new LG and after about a month it is now doing the same thing! I have the data off and have it connected always to wifi. but some how it uses 74% of 3gb data in the first few days of my billing period. And within a week in to my billing it uses the balance of my data? I do not watch movies or or anything else that uses tons of data. But att tells me im using the data even when my phones data conect is OFF! I've been with att for over 12 years, but i am seriously considering changing to a differnt company.



3 Messages

11 years ago



3 Messages

11 years ago

We were getting these messages once a month for my daughter's account. I assumed that it was her using it too much, but she always swore, often times in tears, she wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. Last month we received seven, and I about lost my mind with her. This morning I received 25 messages in a 30 minute time period. Her phone has been turned off. I called AT&T and went to the store. Both CSRs said it was her apps and that a local CSR would have to look at the phone. Again, the phone was off. I've been with AT&T for over a decade, but this is too much to handle. 25 overages in 30 minutes for a phone that has been off times $20.



3 Messages

11 years ago

And I've never received a message warning me that she was in danger of exceeding the data limit.

Former Employee


636 Messages

11 years ago

Hey Goodwillconsort

Data and voice usage can take up to 72 hours to report.
If you think there is some mistake, get a free app called My Data Manager.
It's not an AT&T app.
It started recording from the moment you set it up, so it doesn't retroactively know how much she's already used, but it updates up to the minute

There's many things that could be causing it.
Maybe she has the new IOS 7, where the background data setting will let some apps update 24h.
Maybe she just doesnt close out of her apps.
Maybe, she lets the phone go black, which turns wifi off.
Maybe your wifi router is having compatibility issues with your phone, and kicking her off other times.
Maybe she leaves her apps open when she leaves and they keep using away from your wifi.
The new IOS 7 will give you a breakdown of her app usage in settings -> Cellular, (since the reset date it lists)


The timing as showing on the My data manager app wifi vs cellular usage, time of day, ect, will help make much better sense.




14 Messages

11 years ago

sorry about that next time go to cellular in settings and you can disable any apps that you dont want to use data

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