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3 Messages

Monday, March 30th, 2015 7:22 PM

Does Att , Apple or UPS care anymore ?

Since Wednesday March 25th i have been waiting for my iphone 6 128 gb and everyday UPS kept changing the date to the next while every single day a ATT rep on the phone tells me that i will be receiving the phone that exact day, so 3 days in a row i was waiting. the first day it said end of day so after work i’m just waiting like a total fool.. and now the date was finally suppose to be Friday but changed to monday march 30th and do i not have it .this is total crap if i ordered two phones Saturday and receive one Monday ,so much for 2 day shipping ooh and a Supervisor named kevin who said will handle the situation and call back within 10 minutes never gave a call , spoke to him on friday it is now monday .


then i finally get someone to do a claim because for some reason every ATT rep says the same ' what's the tracking number  ' i don't know why they don't have a direct number to the warehouse and stop using the same useless link i’m using this is 2015 guys .. but they finally caught on that my phone will not be sent and the best help i received was a regular shipping handle .. thanks ATT for making my first Iphone EVER ! experience  something i regret making . no iphone but i was charged ,, they have their money so i guess thats all what matters .


what bugs me the most these companies are suppose to be partners but yet they tell you call this number when they should be doing that especially if they created the problem .you are the worker why am i told what numbers to call 



901 Messages

9 years ago

Based on your post, how is this anyway Apple's fault?  Did you order this through Apple or AT&T?  You can blame 1 person for this issue.  EIther Apple or AT&T not both.  Why don't you call UPS and find out what the issue is?  Might be able to goto the warehouse and pick it up.  I can understand getting upset with the company that you ordered the phone through, but you could called UPS and find out what the real issue is.  With calling the sell you are only calling the "middle man", might as well call the company that has your phone.



2.4K Messages

9 years ago

once the device is shipped, all issues are now in the hands of the shipping carrier

AT&T and Apple hand the device over to them, and at that time the issue is out of their hands.


I know how frustrating this can be, but only UPS will be able to address your issues at this point.



3 Messages

9 years ago

i got it the next day so i was suprised because i was told they cant change it afterthey put the order in already but next time i will just go to a store its all good



3 Messages

9 years ago

yea it was stolen

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