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1 Message

Friday, February 17th, 2017 12:55 PM

Does Smart Limits Actually Work?

I have wifi turned off. All the settings for time restrictions in place. I'm staring at the settings in Smart Limits saying it should be off. But yet I can text myself from the other phone, I can text it, I'm watching SnapChat alerts pop up... is there any reason to pay money for this when it obviously does not work? I'm not a dummy, I work in IT so please no stupid responses like (did you turn off wifi?). Thanks for any help. Want to avoid the nightly excuses (alarm etc) and struggling from taking up phone, but will have to if Smart Limits is just a joke and marketing for ATT to make more money. I read something about it's impossible to control, especially iPhone to iPhone unless you suspend service every day? Surely joking right....



1 Message

7 years ago

I had it for a good while. The thing I liked about it was being able to block numbers and them not being aware. But I also knew that they received calls and texts that did not show up. As well as one time I was just trying to turn data off and it completely suspended the service. It will help you keep an eye out on things but it's not 100%, at least that's how I feel. But there's ways around it just like any other program. Truthfully, there's really nothing out there that is going to completely do everything you need. Good luck and I hope I helped some!!

Community Support


232.9K Messages

7 years ago

Hello @gaberieger!


I’m sorry to hear you are having issues with your Smart Limits. I understand how difficult it can be trying to get an app to work just perfectly. I would be more than happy to assist in getting this resolved for you!


I am glad to see you did set up your preferences on the app. One important thing which does need to be done when setting up and managing Smart Limits is when changes are made, you do want to turn the phone off for about 15 – 20 seconds then turn it back on. This makes sure the phone connects with a new data session, and updates the Smart Limits restrictions.


The time of day restrictions used for limiting the use of calls, texts, and data, are enforced based of the time zone of the account billing address. If you would like to update this, we have a great article which does go over how to change your address to reflect your current time zone.


If you are using HD Voice on your lines, this would need to be removed in order for Smart Limits to work properly. You may need to accept the new terms and conditions to ensure the HD voice provisioning is removed.


I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to visit this thread and let us know. Have a fantastic rest of your day.


Adrian, AT&T Community Specialist

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