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5 Messages

Friday, November 7th, 2014 1:39 AM

How much would it cost to fix a broken iPhone 6 screen?

Basically, I got my iPhone 6 on Tuesday My phone carrier is AT&T. Today, on Thursday, two days later, I dropped it and now the screen is cracked. I called Apple and asked them what could I do to fix it. They said that I could bring it in to the Apple Store and get it replaced with a brand new one for $109. So I made an appointment with the Apple Store tomorrow and I will be bringing my iPhone there. Is this true? Because I was looking on the Apple website and it said that my phone won't get replaced because it was accidental damage and I will have to pay more than $109. And another question, since my carrier is AT&T, will they be notified if I get a replacement iPhone from the Apple Store? Will they charge me or add extra fees onto the contract? And if I get a replacement iPhone from the Apple Store, do they just take the SIM card from my old iPhone and stick it in the new one? Will it work? Please, if anyone knows the answer, please help me!!!


P.S: I'm trying to do this without my parents finding out. I have my own pocket money so that's not a problem.

ACE - Expert


13.2K Messages

10 years ago

The replacement or repair of your phone is between you and Apple. AT&T doesn't care. What it costs is up to Apple.

Yes, they will take the SIM out of your current phone and put it in the new one (if they replace your phone) and it will work.



1.7K Messages

10 years ago

Screen repairs cost $109 for an iPhone 6 and $129 for the iPhone 6 Plus.  If the Apple store near you has the parts, it will repair your phone.  If it doesn't, it may replace it.  There is a slim chance it may be sent out for repair.


AT&T will not be involved in the repair nor will it be notified.



5 Messages

10 years ago

Thank you so much!!!!! Appreciate the help!



5 Messages

10 years ago

Thank you so much for clearing things up! Appreciate it!!!!!

ACE - Professor


1.8K Messages

10 years ago

You really should put your iPhone 6 in OtterBox case, so things like this won't happen again. Good luck with getting phone fixed.Smiley Surprised



2 Messages

8 years ago

So we just got a new apple I phone 6 replacement phone five days ago came with new warrnity plus I'm paying monthly for a warrnity on the phone my son dropped it last night and cracked new screen so I'm out my dedutable for replacing broken phone last week why do I have these warritnies if u won't cover damage without charging me more😡😡so now I have to take his new phone in to pay another 129$ to fix crack att u sure know how to screw people



2 Messages

8 years ago

So why do we pay all this insurence on our phone only to be told sorry you owe a huge dedutable to get anything fixed! Maybe if u made better phones they wouldn't stop working after a year and heven probide you drop ur phone and crack ur screen that is gonna cost u big even with all ur warritnies crazy😡😡

ACE - Expert


16.5K Messages

8 years ago

@Beachbums12345 wrote:
So we just got a new apple I phone 6 replacement phone five days ago came with new warrnity plus I'm paying monthly for a warrnity on the phone my son dropped it last night and cracked new screen so I'm out my dedutable for replacing broken phone last week why do I have these warritnies if u won't cover damage without charging me more😡😡so now I have to take his new phone in to pay another 129$ to fix crack att u sure know how to screw people

Warrently covers problems in the manufacturing, not you dropping it.


Insurance covers dropping it, maybe that's what you're paying monthly for.

BUT insurance, just like your home or car has a deductible. 


Insurance is a choice. You shouldn't be asking us why YOU are buying it.



Personally, I do AppleCare+ and NOT insurance, but that doesn't cover me if it's lost or stolen. It seems much more cost effective for me. 




ACE - Expert


64.7K Messages

8 years ago

@Beachbums12345 wrote:
So why do we pay all this insurence on our phone only to be told sorry you owe a huge dedutable to get anything fixed! Maybe if u made better phones they wouldn't stop working after a year and heven probide you drop ur phone and crack ur screen that is gonna cost u big even with all ur warritnies crazy😡😡

You do realize ATT doesn't make any phones, yes? Apple makes the iPhone. As for insurance, personally I would never buy it, I don't think it's a good product but what insurance do you know of that does not have a deductible?

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