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5 Messages

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016 1:12 PM

Transferring service and pre-ordering iPhone 7 - A nightmare

I'm posting here in hopes someone can point me to the right direction in getting some actual help.


I pre-ordered an iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus minutes after the AT&T online store opened at Midnight Pacific.  I'm transferring my service from US Cellular to AT&T in the process of this.


Since then, my order has been stuck as either "In Progress" or "Action Required". Sunday afternoon, I received an email asking me to go online or call a number to finish porting my numbers.  I called the number and it stated that both lines were ported successfully. On Monday, the order status was still in "Action Required" status so I called and they said it was stuck in that status because the system didn't think the numbers were ported.  The AT&T rep said he would update the ticket manually and push it through (he confirmed the numbers were ported).


This morning, the status still said "Action Required" so I called in again only to hear (again) that the numbers were not ported.  This AT&T rep once again claimed he ported the numbers successfully and would send it on.


At this point, nobody can tell me when my iPhones will be here and I don't really trust that the issue is resolved as my order status still says "Action Required". 


I'm beginning to think I should have remained with my current carrier because at this point, AT&T hasn't been able to process a simple service transfer request.


Again, I'm seeking advice as to who to contact. Every time I call AT&T, I get passed around to multiple departments.



5 Messages

8 years ago

Does AT&T actually monitor and respond in these forums? Or is it strictly community members?

Former Community Manager


10.4K Messages

8 years ago

Hello @blt7cd


We'll be happy to help you with that! I have created and escalated a case for you and one of our specialists will be contacting you shortly to assist. In the meantime, please feel free to send me a private message or post here if you have any other questions.


Thank you,




5 Messages

8 years ago

Thank you. I sent you a message with my contact info.



5 Messages

8 years ago



I still haven't received a call.

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