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Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016 9:04 PM

What is Night Shift? Apple iOS 9.3




Greetings Apple Fans!

As someone who enjoys a good night’s sleep, and also as a person who can’t help but read my iPad in bed, I’m thrilled with the latest Apple innovation of Night Shift into their newly released iOS 9.3 update!

Many of you already know this, and for the few who don’t, this is why Night Shift is so important.

According to Apple, blue wavelengths have long been shown that exposure to bright blue light in the evening can affect your circadian rhythms and make it harder to fall asleep.

When you’re staring at a device late at night, the blue light coming from your screen could have the potential to disrupt your sleep. Fortunately, Apple has created a solution that should solve this.

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8 years ago



Here’s a quick guide to Night Shift

Activating this mode will greatly tone down or eliminate the iOS’s display from a blue tint to a warmer yellow one. The new tint will look different at first, though trust me when I say how much you’ll appreciate it after using it a couple of nights.


  • To activate, go to Settings, Display and Brightness, Night Shift

From here, you can either turn Night Shift to Scheduled or Manually Enable Until Tomorrow or Disable Night Shift all together





If you enable Scheduled, you will be prompted to set the time for when Night Shift occurs. By default, this will be set from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Feel free to adjust the times based on your individual needs.

Alternatively, if your nighttime routine is less then, well routine, you can Manually Enable Until Tomorrow the nighttime mode.

Lastly, when Night Shift is enabled, you can adjust the Color Temperature depending on your personal preference.


In the brief time I’ve been using this feature, I’ve been thrilled with it. What has your experience been like? Have you noticed any benefits from using this awesome addition to iOS? Let me know in thread below.


Kevin, AT&T Community Specialist

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