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2 Messages

Saturday, August 8th, 2015 8:01 PM

Windows 10 related Microcell Fail?

Right after upgrading from Windows 8 to Windows 10 on microcell ethernet attached ASUS laptop, the microcell stopped working.  Seems like Windows 10 and microcell performance should be unrelated.  Vitals below.  Any suggestions?


 1. Have you read the Tech Guide first? 3G MicroCell Technical Guide by Otto Pylot - yes
 2. Do you have an active postpaid AT&T mobile account? yes
 3. Is your MicroCell white or black? white
 4. Who is your ISP and is your service ADSL, cable, wireless or satellite? TWC cable
 5. What are your suscribed download and upload speeds as stated by your ISP?
 6. Have you tested your internet speeds? Please run the test and post your latency, download and upload speeds. - http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/4567557365
 7. Have you tested your connection for VoIP quality?  Please run the test and post the results that are listed under the "Advanced" tab.
 8. Are you using the basic connection (modem -> router -> MicroCell) or the alternate connection (modem -> MicroCell -> router)? The alternate connection is not possible with the black (DPH-154) MicroCell. - basic connection
 9. Are all of the cables firmly in place? yes
10. Do you have a combined modem/router (gateway) or a separate modem and router? What are the makes and model numbers for your equipment? separte modem (ARRIS TG1672G) and router (Netgear WNDR3400)
11. Have you met the minimum requirements for router settings as outlined in the Tech Guide? yes
12. What other equipment (access points, switches, computers, WiFi components, gaming consoles, etc.) do you have connected to your network? - (apple TV, yamaha receiver, iPads, Mac Pro etc)
13. What does the light pattern look like on the MicroCell (power, ethernet, GPS, and 3G)? Are they all a solid green or is any of them blinking green or red, and if so, which one?

Solid Green - Power and GPS

Blinking Green - Ethernet and Computer

Blinking Red - 3G

14. Have you done a hard reset of the MicroCell? See the Tech Guide for instructions. yes
15. Have you deactivated and reactivated your Mcell using AT&T's MicroCell website? no
16. Does the ac adapter feel warmer than the top of the MicroCell where the vents are? no

Accepted Solution

Official Solution

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

9 years ago

It sounds like you are connecting the the MicroCell via the Computer Port to your laptop. That is something that we don't recommend because you can develop all kinds of compatibility issues between the network settings on your computer and the router that the MicroCell is supposed to be connected to. In fact, Cisco/AT&T removed the Computer Port from the newest MicroCell (the black DPH-154) for that very reason.


Blinking green ethernet light/computer lights on the MicroCell indicate that there is no connection. The blinking red 3G light either means a hardware failure or an update and the MicroCell didn't reset properly and now it "thinks" it is broken.


Your VoIP tests look ok but you really need to run them a couple of times at different times of the day to get an overall realistic view of your line quality, not just a snapshot in time.


Has TWC done anything that you are aware of in the way of updates, either to your service or the hardware? We are seeing quite a few problems reported with the TWC network that may or may not be related to something they are, or have recently done.


I would disconnect the laptop from the MicroCell and just connect the MicroCell, via the yellow ethernet port directly to the router and see what happens. Power cycle everyting.



2 Messages

9 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply Otto!   I am trying it now and will let you know if  it works. 

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

9 years ago

Ok. Post back when you can. The pass-through feature of the MicroCell (Computer Port) never worked reliably. It was a good idea, but.....



1 Message

9 years ago

Had to get back on through a new community ID. For some reason, it wouldnt let me back in or let me reset the ID password.


I did disconnect my laptop from the microcell.  The laptop is now on a separate ethernet cable, and that connection works fine.


I power cycled everything including my cable modem and router and microcell.


I also tried hard restarts of the microcell again.


Still have the same solid green power and GPS/ blinking green computer and ethernet / and blinking red 3G.

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

9 years ago

If you've disconnected the enet cable to the Computer Port on the MicroCell there should be no light at all, blinking or otherwise. The only lights that should be lit are Power, ethernet, GPS, and 3G. If the Computer light is blinking green as well as the ethernet light, and the 3G light is blinking red, something is definitely wrong. You should be using the yellow ethernet port on the MicroCell only. Nothing should be connected to the other enet port. If that's the case, nothing physically connected to the Computer Port, and you still have the Computer Port blinking green along with the ethernet port and a blinking red 3G, then the MicroCell could be borked (to use Avedis53's term). If all of your connections are correct, I'd try one more hard reset. If nothing chagnes, then it's time for a new MicroCell because they can't be repaired.



2.2K Messages

9 years ago

From the information posted about what has been tried so far, I'd say that either the AC adapter has gone wonky or the Mcell is borked.


If you have a voltmeter, you can test the output voltage from the AC adapter by touching one lead to the tip of the adapter plug and the other to the barrel of the plug.  It should read approximately 16 VDC.  If it is less than that, your adapter may be bad.  If you don't have a voltmeter, you can always buy another AC adapter with the same plug and output as the old one and see if that helps.  You can always return the adapter for a refund if it doesn't.


You'll need that money because if the AC adapter isn't the problem, then your Mcell is borked and you are going to need to buy a new one.



4 Messages

9 years ago

The computer light is still blinking green as well as the ethernet and 3g blinking red even though I do not have anything else connected to the microcell except power from the power adapter and ethernet cable from the router connected to the yellow (input) microcell ethernet port.


The voltmeter indicates  32 VDC.  does that make sense?   I double checked the voltmeter manual on reading and the multiplier is 1....



2.2K Messages

9 years ago

Geezus!  Get rid of the adapter immediately if you are correctly measuring the output voltage from the adapter.  32 VDC may cause damage to your Mcell if it hasn't already.  +/- 5% is a typical variation for AC adapters like these.  The rated output of 12 VDC for the adapter is based on a connected load.  With no load connected, the voltage should be about 16 VDC, certainly not 32 VDC.


Buy another AC adapter with the same plug and output specs as the original adapter and see what happens with the Mcell.

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

9 years ago

Yowza! I've never see one that high. Is it the original adpater that came with the MicroCell? Follow Avedis53's advice and replace immediately with one that is appropriately rated for your device. See the Tech Guide (link in my sig) for adapter ratings.


Edit: I just checked my two extra adapters for my older MicroCell's and they both read about 16VDC.



4 Messages

9 years ago

this is what mine looks like - rated at 2015-08-09 11.44.24.jpg12V output

1 Attachment

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