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useroneoneuser's profile

New Member


12 Messages

Thursday, July 6th, 2023 3:32 PM

issue with internet connectivity.

Having issues with the bandwidth offered and actual internet speed.

New Member


11 Messages

1 year ago


If you're experiencing issues with the bandwidth offered and the actual internet speed, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Check your internet plan: Verify the bandwidth or internet speed specified in your internet service plan. Contact your internet service provider (ISP) to ensure that you are subscribed to the appropriate plan with the desired speed.

  2. Perform a speed test: Conduct an internet speed test using reputable online tools such as Ookla Speedtest or Fast*com. These tools measure your current internet speed by testing the upload and download speeds. Compare the results with the expected speeds mentioned in your internet plan.

  3. Connect directly to the modem/router: To rule out any issues with your network setup, connect your device directly to the modem/router using an Ethernet cable. This bypasses any potential interference from Wi-Fi connections and allows you to test the internet speed with a direct wired connection.

  4. Restart your modem/router: Sometimes, restarting your modem/router can resolve temporary connectivity or speed issues. Power off your modem/router, wait for a few seconds, and then power them back on. Allow them to fully restart and establish a connection.

  5. Check for network congestion: Internet speeds can vary depending on the time of day and network congestion. If you notice slower speeds during peak usage hours, it could be due to high network traffic. Consider running speed tests at different times to determine if there is a consistent issue or if it is related to network congestion.

  6. Check for software or background processes: Certain software applications or background processes on your device may consume bandwidth and affect internet speed. Make sure there are no ongoing downloads, uploads, or streaming activities running in the background that may be utilizing your internet connection.

  7. Update firmware and drivers: Ensure that your modem/router firmware and device drivers are up to date. Outdated firmware or drivers can sometimes impact internet speed and performance. Visit the manufacturer's website for your modem/router and device to check for any available updates.

  8. Contact your ISP: If the issue persists and you have ruled out any internal network problems, reach out to your ISP's customer support. Inform them about the discrepancy between the offered bandwidth and the actual internet speed. They can help troubleshoot the issue further and, if necessary, perform line tests or investigate any potential technical issues from their end.

By following these steps, you can identify potential causes of the discrepancy between the offered bandwidth and the actual internet speed and take appropriate actions to improve your internet connection.

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

1 year ago

As individuals sometimes post in the wrong forum, let’s start from the beginning…

what internet product do you have?

internet speed subscribed to?

the provided equipment?

testing hardwired or wireless?

using what to determine your speed? Example Smart Home Manager app or speed test.net

if using speed test from where to where? Ideally within 100 miles of test site

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