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4 Messages

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018 4:39 PM


Address verification

I live in an area where half the block has AT&T but my house keeps coming up not servicable. I have no other option but have either AT&T or nothing. I can't get anyone to give my house the ok. The wire to my neighbors internet runs right in front of my house. How can i get service? All i get for an answer is "we contact you when service is in your area!" Or "sorry but your house isn't serviceable". How is that possible? How can i get service if everyone around me has it? I have been trying for over 3 months now and am beyond frustrated!

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Hello Timelord1380,

We appreciate you reaching out to us here in the Community! We are always happy to welcome a new member to the family!

To begin, please  follow this link for a list of available AT&T services in your area. If this doesn’t help, use this link where you can reach us to provide a few of the addresses which have service and we can look into adding your address to make service available.

Have a great weekend!

Jason, AT&T Community Specialist



4 Messages

6 years ago

You haven't told me something I haven't been told 100 times. Why can't a verification team come out and verify my address? Thats all they need to do. I know my house is in tje red right now but i need someone to send in the verification request. How is this so hard? Do they never verify new addressses? Once a new house goes in a servicable area after everyone else gets the ok will never get service? So no new houses EVER?  Why can't they just come out and give my house the ok? Or do you guys just give generic answers? Worst customer service ever! 

Former Employee


1.7K Messages

6 years ago

Sorry i left my pc on and someone here at work decided to add a smart*ss comment and pressed post. can this post please be removed



4 Messages

6 years ago

Sorry but i have been dealing with this for 3 months and now today, on my birthday, i have to deal with this.

My problem is, half my block has AT&T internet. Yet my house says its not servicable. My neighbors, further from the pole, is. The cable actually runs directly in front of my house. I am told i need a verification team to come out to just give my home the ok but am also told that the verification team wont come out to verify. Not that anyone has ever sent them out. Not can't, but won't! When AT&T was inatalled to half the block my home was an empty lot so was never given the ok.

 How do i get a verification team to come out? I alsi keep getting from everyone is links to see if its available at my home. I know its not. How do i get them to send someone out to give us the ok? 

Former Employee


1.7K Messages

6 years ago



Hello Sir,


please try the following numbers.


Internet customer service


 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. local time
Saturday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. local time



Internet technical support


Available 24/7


Upon speaking to them, they should be able to setup a time for a technician to come out to your address to check to see if you are able to get the fiber connection


2 Messages

1 month ago

I have had the same exact experience! Neighbors all have it but my address always shows unavailable! I’ve spent countless hours on the phone with AT&T customer service. They all say they are putting in a special ticket but I never hear back. I try to call and inquire about it and they never know anything about what the previous representative told me! So frustrating! My neighbors on both sides of me have it but I can’t! Makes no sense!!

ACE - Professor


5.7K Messages

1 month ago

Address validation can take three weeks I've been told.  If more help needed, open a new thread for yourself.

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