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Veryirritated's profile

1 Message

Friday, March 22nd, 2024 9:44 AM

Creepy man Take 3

Third time I've had to fill this form out because when I pick a tag it wipes out my message but any who yesterday when I was out  In my driveway which is about 400 feet long because I live in the country because I don't like people, This man who said he worked for AT&T came up my driveway and asked if my address was such an such.   My house number is clearly marked on my mailbox which he had to drive within 6 inches of to get up into My Gate and up my driveway So I informed him that he was at the wrong address.  He just kept sitting there for a very uncomfortable length of time sighng and making weird noises  finally I told him you can backup in the yard on your way out and he still sat there staring at his Clipboard For a few minutes more. I would just like to verify if you had someone out working on Robert's quarters road in molena Georgia yesterday.   I apologize for the lack of punctuation but I don't Have my glasses with me and I am doing talk to text.

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

4 months ago

This is a customer populated message board and not a way to communicate with ATT.

If he returns, make a note of his license plate & contact local law enforcement.

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