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5 Messages

Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 5:49 PM

Elderly lady hard of hearing having tremendous trouble with ATT customer Service

I am trying to help an elderly lady who is hard of hearing get ATT Uverse at new location (a rental house I own).

This hard of hearing Elderly lady was on phone with customer service ALL DAY yesterday trying to resolve this issue.

Hero me stepped in, said "No worries, I will take care of this for you".  I was on the phone 90 minutes, Got transferred FOUR different times, once to ADT alarm service sales. Finally asked to speak to Supervisor. Was told that Supervisor would call me back yesterday. By 10:00 today still no called, so I called back. Started the same circular run around process with off-shore rep reading a script with a heavy accent I could not understand. Again asked for Supervisor, was told supervisor would call me back in 30 minutes. That was about 2.5 hours ago.

Here is the issue. The lady currently has U-verse.  She is moving into a rental property I own. Reps simply look at computer screen and tell her/me service is not available there.

Problem is, the neighbors on each side of her have Uverse and the people that just moved out of the house had Uverse. The ATT wires serving her neighbors go through her yard (I know because last year a tree fell on the line and ATT said it would be 5 days before they could fix it and I spliced the line and  restored their service with line laying on the ground).

This is the FOURTH time in this area ATT has told me someone could not get service, but when I finally got someone to come on site, they had 50-100 Mbit service. The computer screen is the reps are seeing for this area is obviously WRONG.

As I said, the previous resident had Uverse, then had it turned off for a year. When he asked to get the service back they told him it was not available. He had to go through this whole crazy process to get them to verify service is there and get his service back.  This hard of hearing elderly is simply not able to handle the bureaucratic and technical challenges to which ATT is subjecting her.

I have also had to go through this process 3 times and, finally, after jumping through all the hoops, successfully got ATT Internet at locations the Off-Shore Reps insisted service was not available.

I am one tic away from going to the Alabama Public Service Commission and AARP (you would be shocked what AARP can get done, I know I was).

Official Solution

Former Employee


22.5K Messages

5 months ago

You posted on the internet forum, is the lady wanting internet, tv service, phone, or combination?

Uverse internet was changed to ATT Internet and Uverse Voip was changed to ATT Phone... both name changes occurred December 2016. Since 2017 Uverse had come to mean IPTV service only.

ATT stopped selling Uverse IPTV service March 1, 2020 about time Covid was starting. They sold the division to DirecTv summer 2021.

If the lady was Uverse at current address needs to request a MOVE ORDER transferring the account to the new address.

You can use the online address tool to determine what service is offered at your rental property. Internet 25 to 100 are VDSL which would support grandfathered Uverse IPTV. If best internet is 18 or less these would be ADSL2+ and not supported for VRAD IPTV service.

If speeds of 300 and greater is offered this is ATT Fiber, the fiber would support IPTV service but again has to be transferred from the existing address.



5 Messages

5 months ago

The lady currently has Direct TV based Satellite Service and some flavor of ATT home phone service and ATT Internet, (to the tune of about $200/month) but I do not know what name they currently call the products she has, I can't keep up with that and she most certainly can't.

She did put in the request to move her services to the new location. They have scheduled her sat service move, She also asked to move her existing phone and Internet service and they keep telling her/me that those are not available at the new location. I am not sure how ATT would expect this elderly lady with a hearing disability to know which of those acronyms you listed to ask for.

No, I can't use the online tool to find which services are available at the new address because it says NONE are. I am sure this is the same tool the offshore sales team (masquerading as customer service) is using when they tell us there is no service (see my previous post as to why I am CERTAIN that is wrong).

I do not know what ATT calls it, but this house previously had and the current neighbors on 4 sides have ATT home phone and ATT Internet OVER COPPER at a min. of 50mbps. The New address is 14 Pine St, Shelby, AL 35143

Both her current address and new address are relatively rural, so I am 99% sure there is no fiber.

All this info you provided is well and good, but useless if we can't get someone on the phone we can hear, understand, and do more than look at a computer screen and follow a script.

My similar experiences to those outlined in these two posts are the reasons I no longer use any ATT products.

Normally I would advise anyone to do like me and drop ATT and Direct TV completely. However, given this lady's age, condition, and background I think it better that she stick with what she currently knows.



5 Messages

5 months ago

Note, for some reason this has been coded as an "Official Solution". There has been no solution or resolution to this issue, only, IN MY OPINION, an attempt to deflect and distort the issue and place the blame on the disabled elderly customer.

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