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9 Messages

Friday, December 29th, 2017 1:15 AM

Has anyone else had their landline cut when getting new DSL service installed?

My DSL tech called me on my cell phone AFTER leaving the house to advise me that I longer had a landline , it had been "disconnected".  When I ordered new DSL service I was never told that getting internet would lead to losing my MOST essential landline.  I also noticed that the physical wire to the outside phone box is cut.  Is this part of ATT service?  Now I'm left with out medically necessary landline and have to wait TWO weeks to get someone out to restore phone service.



9 Messages

7 years ago

ATT is the land line provider. The tech asked if me I was switching to digital and I said, "no, I want to keep my landline service as is".   I ordered the dsl internet while logged into my landline account but getting internet service up and running triggered setting up a whole different account for internet that I have to log into.



198 Messages

7 years ago

(Replying to @hmntchr)

What does this mean “physical wire to the outside phone box is cut”. Is it something like in this image:D2989631-A869-4E49-B67F-296BE6F666C2.jpegExample of a cut wire. This image is for strict purposes only! NO COPYRIGHT




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9 Messages

7 years ago

No, I don't have u-verse.



198 Messages

7 years ago

So how exactly was it cut which caused no phone service for 2 wks?



9 Messages

7 years ago


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9 Messages

7 years ago

ATT says that it will take that long in order for a phone tech to come out and re-establish my land line service.



198 Messages

7 years ago

@my thoughts. What caused this is that @hmntchr didn’t pay the landline bill or the landline phone itself is old.



210 Messages

7 years ago

And precisely how do you know he was delinquent on his account? The age of his line is irrelevant. Mine is 40+ years old and works perfectly. And I had DSL on it for years before switching to uverse.



9 Messages

7 years ago

My landline service was paid.  Ironically, I had accidentally paid it twice earlier this month because I forgot that I had scheduled automatic payments.



198 Messages

7 years ago

Which landline phone do you have, This one:B859ACAD-B693-444F-9221-3878B82A3088.jpeg



1 Attachment

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