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1 Message

Wednesday, September 8th, 2021 10:35 PM


Horrible Driver

On Tuesday 9/7/2021 at 5:47pm, we were on Park Row Drive and Barker Cypress in Katy, Texas.  We were at the light.  An ambulance came behind us.  We were passed the entrance to the gas station so all we could do is turn.  We tried to get over but the driver just stayed in the lane blocking us and the ambulance.  We honked, other honked, and the ambulance had their siren on.  The driver wouldn't move.  We finally got his attention and he turned so we could turn.  The ambulance turned also.  We pulled over but again, the driver did not.  He was right in front of the ambulance again.  More honking later, he pulled over.  Someone may have died because he could not hear them.  We ended up at a light besides him and he had a headset on.  He obviously couldn't hear anything but what he was listening to.  The van Texas license plate [EDITED].  The number on the drivers side of the van in the back was [EDITED].  I have a picture if you need it.  I truly hope no one died due to the delay of this driver.

[EDITED per Community Guidelines]

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

3 years ago

Did you report this to the local law enforcement agency (police)?

1 Message

4 months ago

On 2/26/2024 at 3:30pm in Lawton OK on Cache road. This driver came into us almost colliding with us if we hadn’t got out the way. 

ACE - Expert


28K Messages

4 months ago

2yo thread.  Closed.

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