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3 Messages

Thursday, May 10th, 2018 2:05 PM

Deceptive Internet 50 Promotion

I posted this in reply to another with same issue but am reposting to make sure this is seen by AT&T.  I signed up for Internet 50 at $40 a month. Installation went fine. Logged into account and it says Internet 50 service. The next day it changed to Internet 24. Chat tech told me a glitch during signup had caused it to change to Internet 24, at $60 a month. They assured me they would correct it. Later that day it did say Internet 50. But then the following morning it had reverted back to Internet 24.


In chat again. They assured me they would change it to Internet 50, again with the glitch explanation, with reassurances that it would not happen again. I asked why is this happening. Passed me on to another tech who said, because they wired for 32, and guess they forgot to test it, so it is reverting back to 24 plan. I asked why wasn’t the proper wiring done for 50, since that is what I signed up for. And why wasn't I told that yesterday. They have no explanation for that. Had me fill out a form, some vague explanation that the proper wiring would be done in a couple of weeks.


I have all transcripts of chat. If they try and charge me $60 a month, I will take legal action for fraud.



3 Messages

6 years ago

And the fact that I was not told about the wiring until days later and hours on chat support, and ONLY after my insistence on a better explanation for the plan changes, tells me that they probably knew all along, and hoping I wouldn't notice and not notice the extra 20 a month, or not make a big deal out of it.

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