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Thursday, February 8th, 2018 8:46 PM

I feel that myself and others at my apartment complex are being completely slighted by ATT.

To whom it may concern,


After several months of living at my current residence and having ATT Internet, I feel as though myself and others are being taken advantage of by ATT. Our apartment complex has a contract with ATT, which prevents us from shopping around for different internet service providers, of which my area has 3-4 others. The other providers offer extremely competitive rates for internet, one being four times faster (100Mbps) than our current service (25Mbps.)


Why would ATT do this might you ask? Zero incentive. ATT has a contract with our apartment. If the residents here want internet service, they MUST use ATT. Why should ATT offer faster service? They can offer low speeds for whatever exorbitant price they want and we are forced to buy it or live without Internet in a world where it has become a staple of everyday life.


They claim that "the current technology doesn't support higher speeds" and "maybe you're really far from the node" but if that is the case, they need to update the technology considering they made 29.45 billion dollars in 2017. I think that is more than enough money for a few quality-of-life updates, especially for the customers who are forced to use their product.



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6 years ago

Has anyone from AT&T addressed your concerns or provided a solution since your post back in February? This is the exact situation I have just found myself in. I recently moved to a new apartment complex (Pflugerville, just north of Austin in Texas) where they have an exclusive contract with AT&T. I just got my internet service set up yesterday and am only getting 25 Mbps, despite the sales rep initially telling me 50 Mbps. I was also fed the line about being "really far from the node". I cannot fathom how in this day and age, 25 Mbps is considered an acceptable speed when their are multiple competitors offering in the +300 Mbps range up to 1 Mbps speeds.


What's worse is that I was quoted at $50/month for 50 Mbps but when I reached back out to let the sales rep know I was only getting half of that at my unit, I was told that it would still be $50 regardless (how is that fair?). For perspective: at the apartment complex I just moved from less than a mile away, I was receiving Spectrum internet at 300 Mbps for $70/month. At my current complex AT&T is offering me 1/12 of that speed at close to the same price. I do not understand how a company can be this far behind the curve technologically in an area where their competition is clearly able to deliver much higher speeds & service.


I understand that AT&T has Fiber in my area close by, but they just haven't made it a priority to upgrade the apartment complex I just moved to. If I had known how poor AT&T speeds were, I would never have chose to live at a property that only exclusively provided their internet service.




1 Message

5 years ago

I'd love to know the answer as well.. At least you have some sort of internet. I've been in my new place for several weeks. I called to set up my internet and never heard from the rep for our community.. I finally did get a holds of him and gave him my information and set up an installation time later in the week. On the day of installation it wasn't until after the grace period that i finally as contacted  and the rep for our community went, oh I had to get a few more pieces of information but i'll get installation out to you today. Never heard back from him. I emailed AND called him and saidI needed internet for work but I would be gone the following week for work. the following week i got notification that they were waiting for mew at my apartment??  i called support told them i wasn't home and would like to set something up for this week. Texted and called him today and never got a return call or text. My job is heavily dependent on my ability to go online and they are threatening to rescind my  job offer if i don't get this installed. l found three internet providers who had better speeds and prices near by servicing my area and am royally irked that I can not just up and get one of those companies to provide my internet.

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