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6 Messages

Monday, April 15th, 2019 10:59 PM

Pc gaming on Fixed Wireless

So i live in a really rual area, with virtually no one useing fixed wireless in my area. We've had salesmen tell us that we have a really srtong signal in the area were looking to move, and we get 5 bars of cellphone service at this house... but im wondering if i can game on my pc on fixed wireless? One of my neighbors says her son games on ps4, her daughter watches nexflix, and she can watch nexflix at the same time... but on the forums here everyone complains that they cannot connect to gameing servers cause fixed wireless jumps ip address? So what is it... can i gane on pc with fixed wireless? 



6 Messages

5 years ago

So you are saying i can game on fixed wireless, but not chat and game? What if i use 3rd party chat softwear like dischord? Im talking pc here not console's... 

New Member


1 Message

you can chat in discord fine nat type only really affects consoles with that but games such as call of duty you might run in to issues joining friends but that is also dependent on their nat type

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