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3 Messages

Sunday, December 10th, 2017 3:08 PM

YouTube Throttling - No Net Neutrality - ATT Slows down YouTube - YouTube Buffering ATT Fiber Proof

ATT Fiber is throttling YouTube. Proof


 aftervpn.PNGAfter VPN has been establishednoyoutube.PNGBufferingnoyoutube2.PNGI have fibernoyoutube3.PNG"gigabit"noyoutube4.PNGbulls***

5 Attachments



3 Messages

7 years ago

Yep, people who say "Nothing will change" are tools for the ISPs.  They're already throttling and I can tell, it is so glaringly obvious the tech I spoke to wants to do a truckroll like thats going to fix anything.  RIP Internet to the greed of big companies.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago

How is that proof?  Lower speeds happen for many reasons.  Faulty equipment, prime time viewing, server issues, etc.  

unless every ATT internet user claims YouTube is always throttled, this is not proof.  

If it is true, the law still prevents ISPs from selective throttling.  Always has.  NN was redundant.




1 Message

7 years ago



I'm based on Dallas. Since last month, ever since Net Neutrality rules were abolished, we have observed slower speeds on YouTube and sometimes for Netflix. This is just not for me but for my entire community at our residence each one with their own fiber lines. Surprisingly the streaming quality gets worse soon after the senate passed the net neutrality rules.


Please provided a suitable solution that works for all.






1 Message

7 years ago

Lizdance40, Your statement is false and one that can easily be verified to be untrue as it has happened multiple times in the past.  Common carrier regulations were not redundant in the slightest.



1 Message

7 years ago

that statement is not false in any way! 


i have experienced the exact same thing with video streaming websites. ever since net neutrality was abolished i cannot stream any videos from any sites in a reasonable time frame. it takes more than 24 hours to load a 20 minute episode! before that, it used to work perfectly. my speed test shows 49 mbps as it always has been.

i used to stream from the exact same sites before, no problem whatsoever. also, i just came back from a 2 week trip where i stayed in various hotels where i was able to stream just fine. so it definitely is just my at&t uverse that is affected!


unbelievable how this country just allows this kind of censorship to happen...

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

7 years ago



That proves 2 people have problems.  I’m not.  My family and friends are not.  The cord cutting group I converse with are not.  Conversely, I know people who have been complaining about lousy internet for 2 years.  So why didn’t NN help them?  (That was sarcasm)

Sorry Charlie, but 2 problems does not make it true.  

BTW this time of year the Internet always bogs down.  Kids are off school and trying out new gadgets and online games.  By mid January it clears up during the day when the kids go back to school, but will continue to get slow during prime time until spring and better weather.  Both of you live in southern states that have had unusually chilly weather.  It’s -5 in Connecticut today.  Better believe the kids are indoors.





3 Messages

7 years ago

Lizdance if net neutrality was "redundant" isps would not have spent millions lobbying against it. The internet will change as we know it and greedy ISPs will rob us blind by charging us more for less. On top of that they will sell our browsing history to the highest bidder. 


You seem to be pro ISP and anti net neutrality. You previously talked to me like I'm stupid and as someone  who doesn't know how the Internet works. I am an engineer and have dealt with multi million dollar network infrastructures and have programmed in c++ when I was 13, I'm not your average user you tell to make sure their cable is plugged in.  Net neutrality is very important to keep the playing field even for new startups and consumers, without it, ISPs can give a company like Amazon a higher percentage of the availabile bandwidth and prioritizes their traffic over others. Just like how they're throttling us now. You'll also see cable like "Packages" for the internet where you get charged extra for each service.


It's sad you blame kids being inside for people's internet being slow, give me a break... Next you're going to blame the cold winds slowing down electrical signals for someone being throttled. 



290 Messages

6 years ago

@S1l3nt quote:


"Lizdance if net neutrality was "redundant" isps would not have spent millions lobbying against it. The internet will change as we know it and greedy ISPs will rob us blind by charging us more for less. On top of that they will sell our browsing history to the highest bidder. "


Indeed, doesn't matter which large corporation it is they won't spend millions lobbying if it isn't in their self interest and if that degrades the quality of service to their customers, well in most situations they are a defacto monopoly so it doesn't matter to them as the customers usually have no where else to go.  AT&T is no different, and quite aggressive in their quest to 

squeeze the last red cent out of their customers in any way they can, quality of service be darned. 





1 Message

6 years ago

 To add to this proof when I watch the same youtube video over LTE, there is no buffering.  When I go back to WiFi, it starts buffering again.  Note: full bars on Uverse WiFi gateway, 2 bars on LTE.  Smiley Sad



38 Messages

6 years ago

are you not using the same isp at some point even with lte?

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