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1 Message

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 3:05 PM

AT&T was hacked or not? (Bellsouth email)

Like many others who posted in the past month or so, I suddenly lost access to my Bellsouth.net email account.  This account dates back to my former AT&T DSL service that I no longer have.

I was accessing the Bellsouth email through a few devices that had the password saved.  None of them can access the account anymore, as if the password were changed.


What caused this to happen?  Was there another security breach at AT&T or Yahoo?



3.9K Messages

8 years ago

It is possible that your account was hacked, as, if one is patient enough, they can eventually guess most folks' password. Just a matter of how badly they want to do it, and if their attempts triger any warnings or not. (And sadly, Yahoo e-mail service does not seem to have multiple account access attempt warnings.)

Anyways, as long as you can verify that you own the account, a private message to customer care should get your account reset, and you can access it again.

Pick one of their care team links (any will work) and send a message with your name, account, phone, contact email, best time to connect with you, and a message with your needs. Give them a couple days or so to get back with you, and I hope they can help.


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Good luck

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