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2.2K Messages

Friday, August 22nd, 2014 4:22 PM

Disappearing Email

To protect myself from ATT's Yahoo Mail problems I have had to periodically throughout the day use my web browser to view what emails were on the server verses what was on my email client.


Today I noticed an important email in the Trash folder of their server. Dang! So I told the server to move the email to the Inbox of my server, which it did. Then I looked my email client and there was nothing so I went back to my web browser to check the Inbox and the email was gone.


In the past month I have had nothing but problems of disappearing email and email incorrectly identified as Spam.


My only recourse is to post this. Of course I could use the Chat but I do not have the time or patience to deal with someone who only asks the obligatory, standard 25 questions that have nothing to do with my issue.


Former Community Manager


10.4K Messages

10 years ago


Hi ApexRon,


What email client are you using? In my experience 9 out of 10 times, it's the mail clients settings that cause these kinds of issues, more specifically, all the mail clients have an option to either keep retrieved email on the server or remove them, and it's always set to remove by default.




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