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3 Messages

Monday, May 23rd, 2016 8:30 PM

Internet not working

Help, this is making me crazy.


I have had AT&T dsl for 15 plus years, no problems until this last year. AT&T did an upgrade to the area and my service slowed down ridiculously. At least I could still go online. that changed a couple weeks ago. At first my wireless kept dropping, I was resetting it multiple times per day. then as of about a week ago, my internet stopped pretty much completely. By pretty much I mean that it will say internet disconnected, internet connected back and forth but the signal is not strong enough to actually open a web page. I tried everything I could with my router, and finally disconnected it and went straight from the modem to my computer. It worked for about 10 minutes then stopped and refused to start again (the internet that is). I can no longer get any connection and have no internet at home now even though I'm still paying for it. I tried to login to my account to get support and it says I have no internet service with AT&T, you would think after this many years they could find me but I live in an unicorporated area so apparently they don't even acknowledge my existence (they certainly want my money every month!).


My modem is pretty old but all the lights are green and seem to be working normally. The only change I have done is added a Windows 10 laptop, but I have another windows 7 machine that can't get internet either. Currently nothing in my house is getting internet, very frustrating.



2.2K Messages

8 years ago

There are many possibilities here but I don't know who owns what. If you own the modem and router it is possible the modem is no longer supported or needs a firmware upgrade. My suggestion is to place a service call with AT&T to have someone dispatched to check the DSL levels and error rates at the point of demarkation on your property. The wiring from the point of demarkation to your modem is your responsibility, unless you have a separate service contract. I remember many years ago our cat chewed through the wires but I was sure it was an AT&T problem, I was wrong.



421 Messages

8 years ago



You need to post the modem stats to help us see if there is a line issue or other issue.

They will show signal strength, attenuation, ect...


Type this number into your browsers top search bar


Then seach the tabs or button selections for something like advanced and or statistics 


They will look like this:


Line StateUp
Data PathFast
 To ModemTo Internet
Data Rate (kbps)768128
SNR Margin (dB)27.716.0
Line Attenuation (dB)13.58.0
Output power (dBm)0.00.3
Loss of signal00
Loss of frame00
CRC Errors03


Post yours here and we will try and help. Thanks!



3 Messages

8 years ago



thanks for the reply.


Both the router and modem are mine. The modem is very old, certainly possible it needs an update but I have no idea how to do that. 


I daresay I will have to call AT&T I have been trying to avoid that because everyone I know who calls them winds up with their service screwed up. I don't want to end up paying more for less. 


not sure where the Demarkation line is, but the wire to the wall is good. I do understand about the cats though, I have one that loves to chew phone lines, thats why I put my connection in a room he is not allowed in. One of my fears in calling AT&T is that they will say its on my side (whether it is or not) and ask me to pay some ridiculous amount to have it fixed, which I can't afford. It feels like any way I turn I will be internetless.........




I have never heard of modem stats before. I will try what you suggested tonight and post what I get tomorrow. 


It is truly strange, I got online saturday for hours with only one little hickup, but then sunday and monday I could not get a web page to load at all. The green light for internet is flashing on the modem, sometimes rapidly (as if I were downloading a large file) yet I can't open a web page. My router says internet connected and the signal is excellent or good but nothing. I was tempted to think it was my Antivirus blocking it, though I have never had a problem with Trend Micro, but I can't load a page on my Ipad either which has no antivirus.



3.9K Messages

8 years ago

The way to check if it is a firewall blockage problem is to temporarily disable your Anti-virus program, then see if going online is still a problem.

(temporary disables can be as short as 15 minutes, so unlikly you will get "hacked" in that short of a time period.)

If it does work okay, then you might need to adjust your program settings to allow normal web browsing.



3 Messages

8 years ago



when I typed into the search, it only came up with "connection timed out". I used net gear genie to get the stats pictured here. Does this tell you anything? the internet was semi-working going in and out, when I got these stats. 




I did try turning off the Anti-virus briefly, but only for a few seconds. A web page still wouldn't load. I will try turning it off longer and see if it makes a difference. 


appreciate everyone trying to help!



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