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3 Messages

Sunday, December 7th, 2014 1:22 AM

Internet Quality Drop and Random Internet Disabling

Recently, my dad had a phone call with AT&T over why our internet was down. They picked up and while he dealt with the problem, AT&T was asking him to upgrade to U-Verse or the new Fiber Optic of our area but he eventually won out and was allowed to keep our standard internet and a new motem in order for their all Fiber Optic area. The next follwing days, our internet quality had dropped. For example, I can't play games like League of Legends without a 120 ping/lag(close to a disconnect) over the previous 70-80 ping(average).


And randomly, our internet will "disable" itself. I don't have the right word for it, but at random times, I become incapable of using my internet. A page shows up saying that for some reason, my laptop can't connect to the internet. But, when I look at my Wireless Networks window, it clearly says I'm connected to our wireless internet and everything is a-okay. I have attempted waiting on it and just refreshing it, but I get the same result. The only solution appears to be restarting my motem(numerous times) in hopes that it will start working again. Afterwards, the internet is working again, but with poor quality.


I would kindly enjoy any help or experience any of you have had before with this problem so we can figure out a solution to the problem.



2.4K Messages

10 years ago

120ms isn't enough to be that noticable lag or to cause D/Cs. Do you know what your line stats are? If you have AT&T equipment you can go to in your browser and go to the broadband tab and check the max/sync rate, attenuation, and noise margin.


If U-verse is available you should do it. It's better tech and once U-verse is available, there's not much for AT&T to care about when it comes to their old infastructure.



3 Messages

10 years ago

True, 120 isn't high enough for a disconnect. Maybe I should've changed that. But, sorry for the confusion. Let me reaffirm my situation.


During the game, I have around 120 ping(its a measurement used in the game for internet speed, the higher it is, the more lag you have.  I don't know if it follows the measurement of 120ms.), which causes sudden and random pauses during the game that interrupt gameplay and makes it harder and more annoying to play. 


As for line stats, I'm sorry I can't tell you due to my lack of knowledge. My motem is a Siemens SpeedStream 4100 ADSL2 and my router is a Linskys Gateway Router WRTP54G(though, they might be older models). I don't know how to obtain line stats, if you can provide this information, I would gladly enjoy having it.


As for upgrading to U-Verse, to be honest, I would love to, if we could afford it. With my family's current budget, we don't have the spare money to pay for the service, so we would prefer to stick with what we have, which works well enough for us.


I hope you reply just as fast as you put yor first post. Thank you.



2.4K Messages

10 years ago

I don't know exactly since that's quite an old modem. I think based on what I see, that you type or maybe http://speedstream . If you are asked for login info according to resources, the username isn't required, but the password is admin. Then you should be able to find a page with broadband info in it. Look for the page that mentions things in my last post.


Are you sure you can't afford U-verse? In most cases, it's a lot cheaper than DSL and landline if you have them. You can also get on new customer promotions if you order U-verse. For internet only, you can get 3 Mbps for $29.95 for 12 months or 6 Mbps and home phone for $34.95. Basic U-verse triple play bundles(if TV is available) start at $68.95.



3 Messages

10 years ago

I solved the problem after a bit of research, it turns out is was a problem with my router. I'll reply again if the problem occurs.


As for the U-Verse thing, currently we pay about $420 a year for just internet. Are the prices you listed just new cutsomer services or are they year long terms that are unlikely to change(with or without any extra fees)? If I can convince my dad about the cost, he might choose to go with U-Verse instead.



2.4K Messages

10 years ago

Well, if you divide that $420 by 12 you would get $35 a month. What tier are you on, do you know? What internet tiers are available if you put your address into the U-verse checker? Also, do you have landline phone on top of internet? Lastly, does that $420 include any taxes and fees?


If internet only, I'm guessing you're on either an Elite(6 Mbps) promotion or the Basic 768k tier.


The lowest U-verse tier available if you have TV available at your address is Pro(3 Mbps) which starts at $29.95 per month which is a price promotion for 12 months with a 1 year contract. The lowest U-verse tier if TV is not available is Basic(768k) which starts at $19.95 for 12 months with a 1 year contract. The 768k plan might be too slow though if you're on something higher already. Those montly prices will remain the same and won't have any taxes and fees. On the other hand, they aren't immune to rake hikes and can go up 1 or 2 dollars when they raise rates next year. This includes a $50 reward card.


For internet/phone bundles, they start at $34.95 per month and are $34.95 for all tiers up to 6 Mbps when you bundle it with 200 minutes. This is a 12 month promotion with 1 year contract. This will include taxes and fees for the home service that will vary by area, but it's typically over $5 in taxes. This includes a reward card.


Sadly, with internet or internet/phone bundles you will have to pay $100 for your wireless gateway. You can purchase a used one online(if you buy the correct one) and tell them you're sending the unused gateway back to have the $100 credited back to your account. If you're too far and have TV available, you may be required to pay a $7 gateway rental fee.


If TV is available at your address and you would want to bundle TV, you have a few options. If you want a TV + Internet bundle, U-Family + Pro(6 Mbps) starts at $$59.95 per month. Add in the required $7 gateway rental and $8 per each TV setup. This includes a $150 reward card. The price is for 12 months and requires 1 year contract.


For TV + Internet + Phone, as I mentioned above, it starts at $68.95 for U-Family, Pro, and voice 200 for 12 months with a 1 year contract/$50 rewards card. If you go to Elite, it's $89.99 for 24 months with a 1 year contract with a $200 rewards card.


Put your address in here and see what you can get:



If you don't have TV available -

Buying internet or internet/phone will likely give you the Motorola NVG510 or Pace 5168NV gateway.


If TV is available -

Buying internet or internet/phone will likely give you the 2WIRE 3600HGV or the Pace 5031NV. If you are too far, you'll have the Motorola NVG589.

If buying a bundle with TV, you'll likely receive the 2WIRE 3801HGV or Motorola NVG589.








5 Messages

9 years ago

Hi, I am having the same problem, with the same Speedstream modem!  Could you tell me what your router issues were and what you did to solve your problem?  Thanks!



2.4K Messages

9 years ago


What router are you currently using? Is your issue with latency and disconnects?


Can you post a tracert to att.net


Below are instructions on how to do one:



Instead of the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx type att.net there instead. For example,

tracert att.net > c:\tracert.txt





5 Messages

9 years ago

Hi Darknessrise,  I'm using a Linksys WRT160N V3 wireless router.


The problem I have is that I will lose internet connectivity.  The DSL light is fine on the modem, but the Internet light will begin to blink for a while before going dark.  Sometimes it will start blinking again, but will alaways return to being dark.  I have to power cycle both the modem and the router to fix this.  After this, it might not happen again for a couple days, or it might happen again 15 minutes later.  It can occur randomly, when we are not home, when we are asleep, when watching Netflix, or when just browsing the web on our phones.


I will post the traceroute when I return home this evening.  Thanks for helping!



2.4K Messages

9 years ago

@TenmaNeko2 wrote:

Hi Darknessrise,  I'm using a Linksys WRT160N V3 wireless router.


The problem I have is that I will lose internet connectivity.  The DSL light is fine on the modem, but the Internet light will begin to blink for a while before going dark.  Sometimes it will start blinking again, but will alaways return to being dark.  I have to power cycle both the modem and the router to fix this.  After this, it might not happen again for a couple days, or it might happen again 15 minutes later.  It can occur randomly, when we are not home, when we are asleep, when watching Netflix, or when just browsing the web on our phones.


I will post the traceroute when I return home this evening.  Thanks for helping!

Hi @TenmaNeko2 

Since you say it's the "Internet" light, I have a few questions for you. When you set up your WRT160 how did you do so? Did you configure it using PPPoE(your AT&T email/password) or just hooked it up? If you configured it's internet connection with PPPoE, did you turn it off on the modem?


That light has to deal with PPPoE on your modem. Since you're saying you're not dropping DSL, it could be a configuration issue or the modem is acting up. When using an external router on AT&T DSL, you typically want the router to be the one doing the PPPoE.


Either way, your modem is getting a little up there in age. Have you ever considered upgrading it?




5 Messages

9 years ago

Here's the traceroute:


Tracing route to att.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     6 ms     1 ms     1 ms
  2     2 ms     1 ms     1 ms
  3     9 ms     8 ms     8 ms  adsl-99-102-67-254.dsl.dyt2oh.sbcglobal.net []
  4    18 ms    12 ms    12 ms
  5     *       29 ms    25 ms
  6    24 ms    26 ms    25 ms
  7    34 ms    47 ms    34 ms
  8    44 ms    31 ms    32 ms
  9    33 ms    32 ms    32 ms
 10    39 ms    33 ms    34 ms
 11    36 ms    35 ms    37 ms
 12    33 ms    33 ms    32 ms
 13    31 ms    33 ms    39 ms
 14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 15     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 16     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 17     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 18     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 19     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 20     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 21     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 22     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 23     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 24     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 25     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 26     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 27     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 28     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 29     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 30     *        *        *     Request timed out.

Trace complete.



It looks like I have the modem set to handle PPPoE, but it's been this way for years without an issue.


I hadn't considered a modem change.  How much do they run typically?

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