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10 Messages

Thursday, September 1st, 2016 2:30 PM


I have been using the same Yahoo email address for many years, probably at least 13 years. I tried to login and the account said that I was entering the wrong password. I have never changed my password. 


When I try to see why I cannot login, it keeps sending me to the ATT site where I get lost in loops of "help" that provide no solutions. I know the correct password. Who do I talk to so that I can fix this? I receive MANY emails daily that I need to deal with, not to mention 13 years of photos and emails that I have stored. I keep trying to go through the internet problem trees on ATT.com, but they keep taking me to solutions that are not correct, and I never get to send an email to the help desk.






Community Support


1.3K Messages

8 years ago

Hello @KristinaAnd,


You will need to contact the Digital Assistance Center at 877.285.0144 so they can verify your identity and then they can reset the password for you. If you need any further assistance, please feel free to message me back.





10 Messages

8 years ago

Spoke to Jill that informed me that my account was hooked up to a DSL account, and I need to provide an old phone number. I provided Jill with the only phone number I have had, and they could not pull up any information and said the number was incorrect. I asked to speak to her supervisor Brian and explained to him I never had a DSL account, and the only number that I have has is the one I provided to Jill. He told me to go back to the ATT website and try logging in there. I explained to him I had done this already, and the above message and phone are what I received. I let him know that the account was a Yahoo account, and the one that was attached to was also a yahoo account, and I asked if he can help me that I want to speak to his manager, and he would not transfer me unless he verified my account, but that was the reason why I wanted him to transfer me because he could not help!  He also said that he could send me to another department that they will charge me to get my account unlocked. Not sure why I would have to pay money.


The weird thing is I read somewhere that the reason the accounts are getting locked is that it's owned by a new company from Yahoo to ATT. I asked Jill that information and she said she could not provide the reason on why the account was locked. Now that raises red flags in my book.  


I also know my password I can just provide them with it why is that not enough to unlock an account????????








10 Messages

8 years ago

I have reported this to the BBB and it's because I know my password and that should be enough to open my account.






10 Messages

8 years ago

So the account was a Yahoo account ending is SBCGLOBAL. NET never had a bill, and it was a free email account.

Ok Here is an update on the Lockout. I called back later that day because I thought Dad had an old DSL account. I gave the customer service lady the phone number my dad gave me. Then she asked me what business is it associated with.... I let her know that the number was a house phone from over 20 years ago. I google the number, and it came up with a hair salon, so I let her know the name of the business. Then she asked what the SS# and I couldn't provide that. I also want to know my account would be associated with a hair salon? WAS my account HACKED!?!? I texted my Dad in the middle of the call, and he said he never had a DSL account. The lady then proceeds to tell me that she will get tech on the phone to get the account unlocked. I waited on hold for about ten mins and a new lady picked up and asked how can I help you. I let her know I was waiting for the tech to unlock my email and I didn't know I was getting transferred. She couldn't open the account she said she never heard of @sbcglobal.net!! She was going to TRANSFER ME BACK TO THE SAME DEPARTMENT! UGH..... I stopped her and tried to explain the whole situations and then my phone got disconnected.

Ok, so what if I did have an old DSL account over ten years ago.. How would I even know what the phone number would be that is associated with it?

I think what I will do is call them back and see if they can look me up a different way and ask for the old phone number that was associated with me if there is any.






3.9K Messages

8 years ago

The simple truth is this: yours is an old e-mail account left over from years ago.

The folks who did not have to provide you with tech support, but did anyway, want to verify that you actually own the account before they will reset it.

It is unfortunate that you do not remember the infomrmation related to this account.

However, they are trying to make sure, it is not a stranger trying to gain access to an account that is not theirs.

I realize it is inconvenient, but they are only trying to do their job, protecting unauthorised access to the account.

Personaly, I'm willing to give them props for dong their job, than saying, oh, nevermind, I'll just let you in anyways.

Siounds like it is definatly time to switch over to another newer free account, that you will not have the identification issues with, even if you do re-gain access to that old account.


Just for point of information, it sounds like the account was for an old dial up internet service.


And, Beleive it or not, dial up service still exists! Weird, but true.

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