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4 Messages

Sunday, January 24th, 2016 12:32 PM

My DSL keeps cutting out and AT&T can't seem to fix it.....

For months now I along with my neighbors have been having intermittent outages with our DSL. AT&T has sent out technicians several time to no avail. We all feed from the same box and several time thru the day it starts to cut in and out every few minutes for sometimes seconds up to minutes at a time. Working from home makes this VERY unacceptable. Suggestions?



2 Messages

8 years ago

This same thing is affecting South Carolina (me and my neighbors).  They have sent out 4 technicians who all determined that there is no problem with the wires.  This is a software issue.  When you look at the lights on your modem, you'll see that the DSL (or Broadband) light will remain lit; this means that the DSL signal is consistent and strong.  However, the ISP light will go out.  This means that it is a software issue with the account activation.


No one at ATT seems willing or able to fix this because they are limited to addressing problems with the wires.


I told these **** several times that this is a software issue with ATT, not an issue with the wires.





4 Messages

8 years ago

We (my neighbors and I) are at our wits end with this. Even the last tech guy who was here the other day told me they (AT&T) just dont care. Im paying for a service that they are not providing me. I will keep on them anf keep traveling up the ladder till I get some satisfaction. 



2 Messages

8 years ago

After a month, I FINALLY fixed my issue.  Believe me when I tell you, I know your stress.  Here are my series of events:  Hopefully, this may provide some insight.

  • My initial setup was with a Netgear Modem and a Belkin Router (using VOIP with a Verizon Network Extender).
  • My Belkin Router Failed causing my phone to drop calls and losing overall wi-fi at several periods. At this time, I'm totally oblivious and begin to troubleshoot my problem.
  • Instead of buying a new router, I go the Best Buy and purchase an Actiontec modem/router combo and set it up.
  • My Network Extender with Verizon works and my wi-fi works as well.  However, my connection drops (for 1-5 minutes at a time during the day).  I begin to troubleshoot with ATT DSL who tests the line signal. After 4 techs coming out and verifying that there is no issue with the lines (which is all they are capable of doing), we conclude it is a software issue.
  • During a time-frame when I had a tech out working on the line, he pulled the catena card to replace.  My internet and my aunts are on the same card in the box about a mile away from the house.  When he swapped the card, the internet light on my modem went out again.  I called my aunt and discovered hers was out as well.  It led me to conclude it was a system wide problem.
  • [Worth noting], when I look at my router, I see the DSL light on a solid green.  This means that there is nothing wrong with the line.  However, the ISP light is out.  This means that there is a software issue with the router authenticating service with the ISP. In every failure, this was the case: My DSL light on but my Internet Light out.
  • I argue with the Advance Team for weeks.  My argument is that when the problem began, I went out and purchased a new modem/router.  The new modem router is now having the same problem.  What I failed to understand is that I traded one problem for another.  After hours (50+) of my time and the stress of not having VOIP along with sporadic internet outages, I'm ready to move to a place that has Time Warner or Comcast. 
  • Finally, my modem quit alltogether. I checked with my aunt and her internet was working fine.  HOLY crap.  I, then, connected my original Netgear router and I'm back up (but with no wifi).  I go to Walmart and buy another Belkin Router, not a problem since. 

What I learned was this:  The problem is either going to be a hardware issue or a software issue.  Once it is determined it is not a problem with the lines (AND we've established that after 4 tech visits), then the only issue is with the software.  For some reason, the modem is not authenticating with the ISP.  In my case, it was a new modem.  The fact that it was purchased after a problem with a "router", I was led down the wrong path.

IF I ever encounter this problem again, I will run several different "MODEMs", only the modems if possible, to see if the authentication problem recurs.  Don't be surprised when a new modem fails.  Now, some 'routers' come with a self-healing mechanism.  This will take your signal down for a few seconds.  I have mine set for Tuesday night at 3:00am; and time when I know that I'm not on the internet.  It's only out for a second during this "Router initiated' down time.


I've gotten false-positives during my 'crisis'.  It's a huge relief just to be back up to where I was before this entire mess started.  BUT I understand your stress (I was there!).  If you have an action tech router, throw it away.  If you have an ATT router, try a Netgear (router only). 

Troubleshooting is about a process of elimination.  Once you eliminated the signal and it is determined to be a software issue.  ATT isn't going to budge on their signal.  If it's not the router, then you'll end up arguing with them for months and nothing will change.  From their stand point, it must be the router.  In my case, they were right.  My own experience has led me to another conclusion.  So, I know the stress.  I certainly wasn't going to buy a new router just to have the same problem. Fortunately, I was able to connect my previous router and determine that I traded one problem for another. 

I do hope you get up and running, because I understand your frustration.


Good Luck!




1 Message

8 years ago

If at all possable I would find another provider. I have been on them for the past couple of years for the same thing. Time and time again they always say its the wiring in my house and they want a tech to come check it at 99.00 dollars. I can not get another provider comcast stops a half mile down the road and told me that I would have to pay 51,000.00 dollars for them to run the cable to my home for this access. It's crazy but that is what i would suggest at this point. AT&T's service no matter if its a land line DSL or their wireless all stinks. Sorry about your luck.



4 Messages

8 years ago

Thank you for the detailed response. Sadly this is the same problem for at least 2 of my neighbors as well. I have been in contact with att every day and am told its and att software/network issue. It'll be interesting to see how this goes. At this point I have been successful in getting next months charges credited to my account to try to make up for this problem. 



4 Messages

8 years ago

michehebmr - Sadly I have no other provider options. If I had, I would have been long gone from att as this is completely unacceptable at this point.........

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