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9 Messages

Friday, January 6th, 2017 12:00 AM

PC Hacked

My pc has been highjacke/hacked. Can anyone help?


Accepted Solution

Official Solution



2.2K Messages

7 years ago


Contact your local police department as hacking or hijacking of a PC is a criminal offence. 



9 Messages

7 years ago

Thank you so much! I just reported it.



16 Messages

7 years ago

You know what else is a crime?  Backdoor access to modems  ,   knowing that millions of users private information can be accessed   by  a  person with 5 mins of experience in hacking.. and doing nothing about it..   the list goes on  



9 Messages

7 years ago

I hope that AT&T is aware of this for certain, and that they have taken appropriate action(s), asap!



9 Messages

7 years ago

I hope that AT&T is aware of this and has taken appropriate action(s). Just yesterday (10-24-17) I reported two incidents to both "spam@uce.gov" and "https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov".

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