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7 Messages

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 9:58 PM

Receiving many emails meant for someone else

I am not in the TO: field, but I am in this field: "X-Apparently-To: [email scrubbed]" . How can I put a stop to these messages? I am getting many every day for people I do not know. I can get the raw text of the email to show you.

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ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

Theoretically the regular AT&T support people should be handling this.  But because all of the email services are contracted out to Yahoo, AT&T support is not very interested in dealing with email issues and don't have the ability to sit at the controls and spin the dials or push the buttons to fix anything even if they were.  Of course Yahoo's support is just as awful and they will often just point you back at AT&T because you're AT&T's customer. 

And IF mailchimp does respond and does something about this particular sender, understand that it's only going to affect that one.  Given that the Internet sees BILLIONS of spam emails flowing through each day, it's clear that this is just going to continue. 

So back to my original answer, you can't stop them so you just need to resign yourself to do what everyone else does....delete them and move on.

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

Short answer: you can't stop them.

If the sender is always the same (they'd have to be a pretty dumb spammer to do that, though) then you could create a filter to delete them once they arrive.

Otherwise, delete and move on.

New Member


322 Messages

2 years ago

Your email address may be in the BCC. If it's spam and sender's address isn't always the same, there isn't much you can do.

New Member


7 Messages

2 years ago

I sent some complaint emails to the privacy officer of the corporate senders of the messages. Waiting for them to respond with a solution to the problem.

ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

Can you post the email headers (block out any personal info) from one of these?  Odds are that who you think are the senders actually have no involvement in this since it's trivial for spammers to fake all that sort of info.  If this is the case then those people will be as powerless to stop them as you are.

New Member


7 Messages

2 years ago

Ok, I put a txt file in my dropbox, here is the web link. Last time I tried pasting in email headers my account got blocked on this Forum.


I changed email addresses to fake URLs "[email scrubbed]" and my address "[email scrubbed]". The text that looks like "WaLmart" is actually spelled "waimart" to mislead me into thinking the email was from Walmart.


ACE - Guru


9.9K Messages

2 years ago

Wow that's a pretty convoluted path!  It's definitely not coming from Walmart or Waimart. 

If you look at the line beginning with X-Report-Abuse there's a link where you can report this to mailchimp who appears to be processing this junk (which means a ton of these emails are going out).

I'd say either delete the file from your Dropbox now or Edit your last post to remove the link to the file. 

New Member


7 Messages

2 years ago

Mass or group mailings typically use Bcc to deliver mail to many users without disclosing the email addresses of everyone on the list to everyone. Also, spammers often use spoofed "from" addresses to hide the source of spam. I advise you to write to the technical support of your mailbox so that they can block this spam. 

New Member


7 Messages

2 years ago

These are all very useful responses, so far, I like the advice from tonydi the best, but I will wait to see if mailchimp responds with a fix before I mark the best answer. My email provider is AT&T-Yahoo and this forum seems to be the only technical support channel. If there is a way to talk to AT&T-Yahoo directly, about email problems ( not cable tv purchases ) please let me know.

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