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6 Messages

Monday, August 13th, 2018 3:06 PM

SBCGlobal.net email defined as IMAP in Outlook 2016 (W10), but inbox reloads after deleting mail

Email setup in Outlook 2016 (W10) worked fine and reported back that it was IMAP.


Deleted 1000's of mail items (of the 10,400 on the account) in Outlook where they went to Trash.   Suddenly, all the email began to download AGAIN into the inbox.


It's as if the Server is defined as POP with the "Keep on Server" option checked, yet the server configuration information was correctly set up as IMAP.


Why would all the mail be sent down again rather than moving to trash on the server?


(BTW, it is necessary to log into the account online to set the "Allow insecure apps to access email" option in the Account information or SBCGlobal won't allow the connection with Outlook.)

Accepted Solution

Official Solution



15K Messages

6 years ago

To do the same in the web-based mail, I'd have to delete one page at a time of the 10,400 emails.  I don't think that's practical.

Look here and here.  The info in these would allow you to delete all of up to a specified date without doing it page-by-page.  Still might take a while though no matter how you do it.  If these mails are in the inbox they should be deleted in IMAP client(s) also. 


I am not sure why you are having problems going the other way.  That should work too.  As an experiment keep the webmail page open and delete the first dozen or so emails from Outlook's inbox.  Do they disappear in the webmail inbox too (after a little delay)?  Or do they not delete which would be why they resync the Outlook inbox, i.e., putting them back into Outlook's inbox?  If it puts them back either it's a bug in Outlook (in which case post to Microsoft Support or Community Forums), some weird setting in your Outlook (can't imagine what), or a yahoo bug.  Given you have a legacy email account (sbcglobal.net) I almost believe it's a yahoo problem.

Community Support


232.9K Messages

6 years ago

Hi @Nazbuster

We can help with your email settings.  First, please go through these settings located in this article: Outlook 2016 settings

If need be, please go through the online account and delete the emails off the server and then delete the account out of the program and then recreate the account.  Let us know if that helps.

Matthew, AT&T Community Specialist



6 Messages

6 years ago

The whole point of my loading Outlook with the mail was to be able to accomplish a massive deletion by selecting all old mail and hitting the delete key.   This is how it can be done in Outlook.


To do the same in the web-based mail, I'd have to delete one page at a time of the 10,400 emails.  I don't think that's practical.


Outlook successfully linked to the account.  I subsequently deleted over 6000 email in one step within Outlook. It took some time, but they all migrated to the Trash folder.  Then Outlook reported it was syncronizing Trash.   Later all the deleted emails started flowing down back into the Inbox.   Apparently, Outlook thought it needed to reload them. 


Why would an IMAP configuration not cause the server to delete mail deleted from Outlook?


THAT IS MY QUESTION.  How do I get around this issue without sitting for days deleting each of 10000 emails?



6 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks for the guidance.

It sure looks like SbcGlobal is behaving like a “POP” account with “Keep on Server” set.

Unfortunately ATT wants $15/month for support with a one year commitment. My neighbor is in her 80s and won’t spend the money to resolve this.

I’ll do some more experiments.



15K Messages

6 years ago

Last resort, try calling the Digital Assistance Center (877-267-2988).  That's always my default recommendation for weird performing legacy accounts.


I’ll do some more experiments.

Did you try the experiment I suggested (deleting a dozen emails on the webmail, watching both it and Outlook to see the behavior)?


For the original problem you could use those links I supplied for deleting on the webmail side.





6 Messages

6 years ago

Haven’t had a chance to work on my neighbors laptop yet. Will let you know what happens. Really appreciate the good suggestions.



6 Messages

6 years ago

I’ve been successful in getting my neighbor running on Outlook with her SBCGlobal mail.

Thanks for the tip about mail versions. It helped with bulk deletions.

That mode allows for range selection (click 1st item, hold shift key, click last item) so I was able to take the more recent mail and move it to a folder. Then I could delete the entire remaining group.

The syncing with Outlook took a long time but worked both directions.

Outlook doesn’t sync contacts with Yahoo/SBCGlobal mail, so I had to use Export/Import in CSV format.

The 1st attempt failed with an unknown reason so I loaded the CSV file into Excel and saw that there were a huge number of columns. I suspected that Outlook couldn’t handle them all so deleted all columns we didn’t need and Outlook imported it easily.

I wanted to change her account password which we did online. Then we wanted to change it for Outlook so I went to the account definition and selected “Change”.

That brought up a dialogue box that is not the normal account setup dialogue. There was nowhere to change a password and no pop up occurred to allow it either. I tried the “repair” option and found what I needed.

This has been a stressful process for something that should have taken 10 minutes.

Thanks again for your help.



15K Messages

6 years ago

Glad you got it working.


I didn't understand your reference to a tip about mail versions.  But whatever works!



15K Messages

6 years ago

Now I don't understand marking my last post as a solution?  Was that a mistake?  If so I can remove the flag.



6 Messages

6 years ago

Your description of Basic and Enhanced Yahoo Email was a help.   Enhanced allowed me to address the entire list of email at one time rather than a page at a time.


Once I removed 90% of the data, I was able to sync with Outlook without issues.   I don't know what changed, but perhaps the volume was an issue with 10,400 in the inbox alone.  I'll never know why Outlook downloaded the inbox contents a 2nd time after deleting in Outlook.  This time I took your advice and deleted on the web first.


In any case, I've worked through the issues and Outlook and Yahoo sync correctly both directions.  


THanks for your help.

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