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4 Messages

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 11:32 PM

Search problems in new email format

Hi, all.  I am trying to search for previous emails in my inbox in this new email format and am unable to find anything but from the last two days.  I have even tried the advanced search capability.  I also tried reverting back to the old email format, but the search programming seems to have changed there, as well.  An example.  I tried to search for Dance Club emails in my inbox that I received between 9/1/2014 and 9/1/2013.  Nothing comes up.  First I just tried to search for Dance Club in the search box and only pulled up 3 emails from yesterday and today.  Then, I clicked on Advanced options and added the subject and the date range.  My entire inbox came up with some of the emails crossed out.  Please help.  This is really frustrating. Thank you.



2 Messages

9 years ago

I have absolutely the same problem. Whom we should contact?



2 Messages

9 years ago

Doesn't matter what parameters I set, all I get is a message that says "No results found. We found no messages matching your query."  That happens even when I click on the maginifying glass to search for messages from that sender. 


Search has not been working since some time in April, and I rely on it for business purposes to do billing. 


And, it is impossible to get any support from ATT/Yahoo!  


As an aside, why would I want to have "me" on the lists, printed emails, etc.   Really?   That looks just great for business.  And it is virtually impossible to download and save your emails.  Really?  That works great for business, too, doesn't it? 



4 Messages

9 years ago

I am able to search from my cell phone and forward the emails back to me, and then open in my inbox from my pc or cell.  At least it is a small fix.



287 Messages

9 years ago

I've had numerous problems with mailbox search since February.  


  • Searching is pretty much hit or miss -- when I hover over the search icon and opt to find all messages from the sender or subject, I never get a complete list.  In fact, the results usually omit the original message I used to initiate the search. 
  • Another problem I've found is that the results include a lot of phantom messages where the message has been deleted but not the header.   It's been going on for over three months and now have hundreds of these orphan headers.


Dealing with this has become very frustrating. Why pretend to have a feature that doesn't work. 


As far as I can tell, no one is accountable for this.  ATT pays Yahoo! to provide an e-mail server then forgets about us.  There is no actual support, we're supposed to be satisfied with what we get because it's "free".   It's not though, ATT markets a service that is supposed to include a functional web mail client. ...something like the truly free gMail





2 Messages

9 years ago

Maybe truly free is better.  I not only pay the  fee for the ATT address at $30 a month, I also have the Yahoo! Plus at $19 a year - both of which I thought would either improve the service and/or find a way to communicate with ATT and/or Yahoo!.
Question is why do they keep screwing around with something that used to work just fine.



1 Message

9 years ago

I tried calling AT&T 866-***-**** technical support, they advised me to go to another browser which i did, the problem follows...it still only gives me about 5 days of search material


[Edited to comply with Guidelines]



1 Message

9 years ago

I, too, am having the same issue with the search function. Search worked beautifully until a couple of months ago. Now nothing older than 20 days will appear. As stated earlier, I can search a little further back by using my phone. I use the att email for work and need the older searches on my computer.


Customer no-service is a constant ping pong between the various att 8xx numbers and latest relay  of issue was to contact yahoo.


After no response to my case # issued on 6/3, I believe my best answer to this problem is to open a gmail account, transfer my important emails, close all three of my att accounts totalling nearly $400 per month. For nearly $5,000 in annaul costs, I would expect better service than this. But remember, my tag line, impressednot.



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