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2 Messages

Friday, August 15th, 2014 6:28 PM

Twitch streamer: I need more upload AT&T

Living in the center of chicago you would think that upload speeds would not be of concern. Unfortunately I can barely get past .9 mbit per second. that is just over 100kb/s. That is pathetic. I realize AT&T took out their upload speeds from their terms of service. This is completely ridiculous. They assume that only people will be downloading. But to anyone who understands how networking works you realize that there packets sent BACK or "uploaded" to check for possible errors in the downstream. I am not getting 1 tenth of upload for my download. I was an active stream before I moved to the city. Unfortunately my building only allows AT&T. Yet from what I have seen there is little to absolutely nothing been done to improve their internet infrastructure for the building. This is concerning because the building only allows AT&T. Essentially this is a sample of a monopoly where innovation is a completely foreign word, or just a word that holds absolutely no value. AT&T you must improve the infrastructure here. I checked speedtest for your average upload in Chicago which is around 9mbit. So why I ask when I live in the center of the city am I receiving 1 tenth of this? AT&T you may have 99% of people convinced that downstream is the only thing that matters. But I am the 1% who shakes my head in disapproval. Please fix this. What I want to pay for is for a 2/1mbit/s ratio of download to upload. not 19/1mbit/s. I can not stream and that is a major dissapointment.



2 Messages

10 years ago

The modem I have is indeed a Rg 510. I am paying for 18/1.5 getting 15/.9 What do I have to do to get better upload? Please do not tell me to bridge it because I have already done so with no change.

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