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6 Messages

Thursday, September 20th, 2018 4:05 PM

Where can I retrieve blocked messages

I am having trouble with AT& T blocking legitimate messages. Where can I check blocked messages (I am not referring to spam). I have had legitimate senders blocked, with no way for me to retrieve their messages. I try to add new contacts first, especially with contractors sending me quotes, but it isn't always possible. 


I am asking this AGAIN, because the previous response offered no solution outside of acknowledging that it can be a problem. the "answer" provided an email address to contact for further information, however I received no response from them, and my question was marked "solved". Hardly. 



15K Messages

6 years ago

You will have to ask those senders if they are getting bounce back emails when they attempt to send to you.  And you have to check your filters (gear->settings->filters) and blocked addresses to see if you are blocking them (gear->settings->blocked addresses).  If they aren't getting bounce back messages (which have some indication for the reason for the bounce back) and you haven't blocked them or filtered them into the trash (you said the stuff isn't going into the spam) then verify they have your proper email address.


Can you even send an email to yourself?



6 Messages

6 years ago

No, they are not getting bounced back messages, part of the problem, as they think I have received their email. Yes, I can see my blocked email addresses, and could unblock one from there (but if I knew the address already I simply add it to my contacts first.) There are over 500 blocked addresses in there, and no way to search, you just have to scroll. And dealing with a business without easy access to a live person, it is difficult to find an address. While they are in alph order, the email could start with or C for customer service, S for support, O for orders or any letter of the alphabet if it is a persons name. Yes, I have verified they are using the correct address, and they don't go to spam. They just go to some netherworld where I can not view the actual email. At least I can sort and search my spam. I wish Yahoo would ONLY block those addresses that I actively block, and let the rest go to spam.



6 Messages

6 years ago

I should also add this mainly happens when there is an attachment. So If I have reached out to a number of businesses for a Request for Quotation, I will not usually get it unless I have added them as a contact first, which is not always possible. 



15K Messages

6 years ago

I wish Yahoo would ONLY block those addresses that I actively block, and let the rest go to spam.

That's the way it supposed to work. 


I should also add this mainly happens when there is an attachment.

So if the same sender sends and email with an attachment you don't receive it but when there is none you do?



6 Messages

6 years ago

If a sender sends me an email with no attachment, it usually goes through, then I can reply and they can then send an email with an attachment. But if they send it with an attachment first, then it could get blocked, and then nothing gets through. But I have no way of know what emails are blocked. 



15K Messages

6 years ago

I can see a case where the spam filters detect some contents it's "unhappy" but that would result in a bounce back to the sender.   If there is no bounce back and it's not spam then I don't know what the problem is.  More yahoo email service silliness.  All I suggest now at this point is call the Digital Assistance Center (877-267-2988).


One final question - you are only using the webmail to read email, i.e., there are no other email client apps accessing mail, correct?

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

A spammer email [email scrubbed] is blocked in our company  yahoo email.  Complained to gmail several yrs ago and recently but nothing happened and they don't give a (Edited per community guidelines).

Credit card, insurance cos, etc., are sending mail by USPS because they claim that their emails to our yahoo are bouncing back with following msg:

<[email scrubbed]>

550: 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.  Please try

5.1.1 double checking the recipient's email address for ty(Edited per community guidelines) or

5.1.1 unnecessary spaces.  Learn more at

5.1.1 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=NoSuchUser h16si1624067qko.284 - gsmtp

Our customers think we have gone out out business.  How in the world is this (Edited per community guidelines) email bouncing our incoming email when it is blocked ???????????????

Anyone have any answers to solve this problem ??????????




ACE - Expert


36K Messages

3 years ago

@DFP , It's hard to tell because the community software strips out all e-mail addresses, so I can't see what you typed/pasted.  But one thing I can certainly tell you is that if the SMTP server that generated the error message "550: 5.1.1. The email account ... does not exist" contains the text "learn more at ...GOOGLE..." then that was a google-owned mail server trying to process a google-managed address; either a native GMAIL address or something like that.

So, why would your e-mail addresses be going to a Google mail server?

If you would, please share your e-mail address' domain (the part after the "@").  Thanks.

New Member


2 Messages

3 years ago

Thanks.  My company email is durofelt at att ...  Hope this helps to figure out my problem !!!!


ACE - Expert


36K Messages

3 years ago

Your e-mail address is durofelt at att . net ?

That's strange because your bounce back came from Google.  Google should have never had that sent to them as an e-mail to be delivered.   I've seen that sort of thing when someone forwarded their e-mail from ATT.NET to GMAIL.COM , but in that case you'd still get the e-mail.  And, you can't set up forwarding any more.

Log in to your e-mail in Currently/Yahoo, click on the settings Gear, click on More Settings, and look through and make sure nothing seems amiss, especially click on the MAILBOXES tab and click on your e-mail under Mailbox list and make sure nothing is fishy there.


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