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30 Messages

Friday, December 19th, 2014 8:25 PM

Will there truly be Internet on the go (NOT using the cell network) in the future?

Hey there!

I called ATT a few days ago with this scenario: I'm planning to go to college soon.  i want to use my own DSL mobile Wifi so where ever i am i can just push a button on a small device and i have a secure wifi at DSL/Cable speeds.  That way im not using the schools Internet.
yes i know there is cellular wifi but your dealing with cell coverage with no like 300mb a minute speeds.


ATT was so confused about this concept.  i kept being transferred back and forth to the Internet department and mobile.  i finally got a "no, we don't have mobile Cable speeds"


i realize that ATT wants to help me and have a solution and i know that they can't talk about if another company has this technology.

my question is: are we still a few years away from this technology? or do we have this now? 


please private message me if u can't talk about it publicly.



30 Messages

10 years ago

Thanks but thats still using the LTE network.   Maybe what im asking for isn't on the market yet.  So DSL/Cable still has to have a wired base for wifi cable speeds?


When it does hit the market its going to be awesome!



30 Messages

10 years ago

do u know if the united states is working on a way for DSL or Cable to be 100% wireless with no wired base?


or is it a secret?  Smiley Wink

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