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37 Messages

Saturday, February 28th, 2015 4:12 PM

Yahoo Homepage Discrepancies/Resets?

Lately my homepage will not stay as initially setup, Weather, Horoscope, profile ID. Is this just me or are others having the same? I am also experiencing a lot of "non responding" notices for Yahoo.com and other sites I am trying to view. My e-mail stopped sending and I finally found that SSL had to be rechecked; don't know how it got unchecked. I've deployed several detection scans, MS, McFee, Microtrend, etc. and found no evidence of intrusions. I have restored to earlier backups and still experience the same problems. Is it me (hardware) or something elsewhere?

Any assistance will be appreciated.



Accepted Solution



37 Messages

9 years ago

Sorry it took so long to update. Problem has corrected itself- maybe.

I went through Microsoft updates and did not determine a fault. Shortly after I received follow-up QC questionaire. I specified problems of certain fields failure to stay selected and Browser's inability to detect location. Approximately 3 days later problems disappeared. Homepage stays as set. Thanks to AT&T or Yahoo, whichever. Somebody must have done some QC.

"All boards Green" will slip back below the surface.

Again thanks to all assistance provided.



New Member


25.7K Messages

9 years ago

What browser are you using? Has your homepage changed to another page? if so what page? Any unfamiliar pop ups in the lower right of your computer? Mac or Windows?



37 Messages

9 years ago

OS: Vista with all up-grades current.

Browser: IE 9 with all up-grades current

AV: MS and McAfee up-grades current

Homepage basically the same, however, "sign-in" used to show a name and not
ID. Weather shows TX and "browser cannot detect location". I can set it to
current location, however, how long it holds that location is a random
guess. I can browse and come back to "home" and it may be correct and then
again it may be TX; the same for Horoscopes, initially showing Pisces, I
change it and it may hold for a while. Today it shows correctly.

Problems have been persistent for a while. I have not had opportunity to
sort through latest MS up-grades to determine if any are the culprit.

Any assistance is appreciated.

New Member


25.7K Messages

9 years ago

a few things to check with ie open go to tools>internet options> connections tab>lan settings button and make sure that automatically detect settings checked (tell me if it is not)

then click on the advanced tab and under security see if the box is check for empty temporary internet files when browser is closed. if it is uncheck.

you can also try to reset browser settings to see if that corrects things

if none of that works download malwarbytes at malwarebytes.org and run a scan.




37 Messages

9 years ago

I just completed all suggestions.

1.) Auto detect was not selected. It is now

2.) Temp files delete was selected. Not now.

3.) Rebooted no change. Weather location changed back to TX. Horoscope
correct, browsed another page and when returned Horoscope back to Pisces.

4.) Downloaded and ran Malware scan. No defect detected.

5.) Reset Brower settings and rebooted. No change in problem.

Conclusion at this time suggests difficulty pertains to recent downloads
from MS. Will sort through them individually and see if problem corrects.

I do recall recent viewing of information stating Yahoo has some difficulty
with some settings, weather location one of them. They indicated manual
selection should be available and should maintain selection. This has not
worked for me. Will continue corrections at a later date.

Thanks again for your expedient assistance. In the words of the late Leonard
Nimoy: "Live long and prosper."

BREAK- "IE not found." IE 9.0 suggested.

I will download and re-install to see what might avail.

Thanks again.



37 Messages

9 years ago

Re-installation of IE 9.0 did not change anything. Will pursue "up-date"
individual removal and, if no correction or change, re-install.

Thanks again for your assistance.



37 Messages

9 years ago

I have not finished sorting through MS updates, however, none have had an impact on problem so far. Will continue search.

All assistance appreciated.

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