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6.7K Messages

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 3:17 PM

Your Yahoo Webmail Will No Longer Be Imported using POP - What It Means




Hi all,


We understand there have been a few questions regarding the notifications you have been seeing regarding how your email will be imported from 3rd party email providers to your Yahoo Webmail. Not to worry, your email address will remain active, that will not change. What will change is how email are retrieved from other email providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, or AOL email to your Yahooo Webmail account. Instead of using POP protocol, our members will need to use IMAP protocol. The key thing to know about the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is that it lets you view your email folders the same way on any device, as it’s all synchronized from a central server. With IMAP your inbox, sent, and customized folders look alike, and have the same content, whether you’re checking mail on your phone, tablet, or PC. This is more in line with how our customers use multiple devices to view content and keeps synchronized across all devices you use for viewing your email using Yahoo Webmail or Yahoo Mail app. You can read more about it here.


If you have further trouble, check out our Email Troubleshooting article


***Edited to correct some confused statements and we thank the AT&T community for highlighting the issue.




*I am an AT&T employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.

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6.7K Messages

7 years ago

Hi all,


We know there are concerns regarding some messaging you are getting regard your mail. Not to worry, we have you covered! 


Check out the information above.





287 Messages

7 years ago

You are confusing collecting mail into a third party client with importing -- they are not the same thing at all.  Your "solution" has nothing whatsoever to do with the message that users of the web client are seeing.    The message we are seeing specifically refers to importing -- the automatic pulling messages from one inbox to another so that users can see them all in one web mailbox.  


As your signature block notes:  you are an employee but the postings on this site are your own and don't necessarily represent AT&T's position, strategies or opinions.  It is clear that most of the ATTCare team is totally unfamiliar with this particular feature...and are therefore providing misleading answers.   You have marked your own misleading answer as a "solution" when it is no such thing.


I spent 45 minutes on the phone with a support rep who had to consult her next level support to get a straight answer:


Legacy account holders (those with other than att.net addresses)  who are using the facility to pull mail from another legacy address will most definitely be affected.  AT&T is supposedly in negotiations with Yahoo! to address the problem but there is no timetable to address it.  


I think they are waiting to see how many people complain before committing resources to fix it.  If you are affected by this, please call ATT Technical Support (1800-ATT2020) and let them know you are unhappy.  Do not be sidetracked by spurious recommendations to use an external client.  Nor should you click the button on that prompt to stop collecting or remove the account from your settings (you may not ever be able to re-enter it if you do that).





287 Messages

7 years ago

No, you do not have anyone covered.   You have posted a misleading message that has nothing whatsoever to do with  the problem.   You need to delete your "solved" indicator because you have done nothing but add to the confusion.


ACE - Expert


36K Messages

7 years ago

@ATTU-verseCare, I have to agree with these posters.

Yahoo sent out an e-mail saying (paraphrasing the most common interpretation) that Yahoo would no longer retrieve e-mail from an external e-mail system for you and put it in your [att/yahoo] e-mail box.  Yahoo said this was happening on 3/31.  There are multiple posts of this.  In one case, the e-mail address mentioned appeared to be the AT&T customer's primary e-mail (which happens not to end in "@att.net" but "@sbcglobal.net").


If this message was intended to tell people that their e-mail client could no longer use POP to retreive mail from YAHOO mail servers, it failed miserably on so many levels and YAHOO should send a new e-mail message explaining what they meant.



After March 31st, email from your external account will no longer be imported
You are currently importing email from:
Existing emails from that account will remain in your inbox, but no new emails will be imported.
I don't see how your interpretation matches this statement at all.  "external account" and "remain in your inbox, but no new emails will be imported" don't jive with your external mail reader can't use POP to retrieve anymore.



15K Messages

7 years ago

@ATTU-verseCare  All you succeeded in doing here is to add more fuel to the fire of confusion surrounding this POP vs. IMAP vs. mail IMPORT controversy.  Your post is not a solution and it's obvious you don't understand the situation.



110 Messages

7 years ago

Here is an email that I received from AT&T regarding POP3:


Tell us whether or not we can still use POP3 to download our email or are you going to force everyone to use IMAP???


@ATTU-verseCare   According to one of your own people in an email to me and shown below, POP3 is not going away,  Please do not spread Fake News.


"POP3 is not going to go away, however we do encourage you to move to iMap as it is a more stable technology."

Thank You,


AT&T Mail Support

AT&T Entertainment Group






1 Message

6 years ago

How do I forward ALL my sbcglobal.net emails to my yahoo address? 



15 Messages

6 years ago

So how do I fix my yahoo mail on my iPhone and iPad that keeps coming in "no content" or "sender sent in incorrect format- ask sender to resend in different format" but no details??


yahoo mail is a mess and I dint know how to proceed?  In settings my mail yahoo mail says "SMTP" for outgoing mail server.

thanks in advance for any direction!  I obviously cannot call yahoo for help...  And their form hasn't helped.... Where do I begin to fix this? Thanks!



15K Messages

6 years ago

@jenkins19 and @FrustratedinIN - you posted to a thread that is (a) almost a year old, (b) totally unrelated problems to the topic of this thread, and (c) unrelated problems to each other.  You should each start your own respective thread topics with your individual problems.



15 Messages

6 years ago

Sorry xyzzy. I thought my problem with yahoo mail was directly related to this post - and may other forums order not starting new posts when all ready exist.  My apologies. I will start new thread. Thanks for setting me straight. 

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