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Hamer76's profile

4 Messages

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 11:48 AM

HD Voice

Hello, is a eSim compatible with HD voice? How do I enable it on a iPhone 14 Pro or see that its indeed on?

Thank you

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

1 month ago

Iphone 14 is esim only. And yes of course it's compatible with HD voice. Doesn't matter where the phone came from, all iPhone 14s will work on AT&t. 

What do you mean? How do you enable it? If you have a voice plan on AT&t, it would work automatically. Are you unable to make voice calls? What plan are you using? Are you able to send and receive text messages and use data?.

4 Messages

1 month ago


Thank you for your response. I am on the Premium plan and call, text, and data are all working fine. In the past some voice calls (not all) sounded very crisp and super clear. I assumed they were indeed HD voice calls. Recently, I haven't had a call with that type of clarity and it had me thinking if upgrading the phone or if I have something not configured properly to take advantage of HD voice.

ACE - Expert


23.9K Messages

1 month ago

HD voice was a android thing really as all iPhones had it by default.  All voice calls go over LTE now and in low signal areas they are not as crisp

Community Support


232.9K Messages

1 month ago

Hello @Hamer76,

Thanks for reaching out to us, and we understand how important it is to have the quality calling.

To answer your question, yes the iPhone 14 does have the HD voice calling.

You can refer to this link for more information on the HD voice calling.

Hope this helps! Feel free to contact us for any further questions. 


Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forums.
Veronica, AT&T Community Specialist.



ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

1 month ago

Your phone is already HD voice. Otherwise you would have no voice service at all.

There's nothing wrong with your phone. There's nothing wrong with the network either. But if you're an area where there is low service, or if you are connected to Wi-Fi, you may not get the same quality of voice call.   When you're connected to Wi-Fi with Wi-Fi calling on, but still get a halfway decent cellular connection, your phone may not know which one to choose. This results in a garbled connection and a poor voice call 

Upgrading your phone is not going to solve the problem. It's just going to spend more of your money. I'm sure Apple would appreciate it. But it's not going to solve your problem

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

1 month ago

No problems here with voice quality whether we are on WiFi-C (at home) or cellular (out and about). But yes, @formerlyknownas is correct. If you are in an area with strong WiFi and decent cellular coverage, your may phone get "confused" as to which is the stronger of the two signal and lock onto that one. If you walk around your house it may be very obvious depending on the strength of whichever signal is reaching the phone.

4 Messages

1 month ago

Interesting, I do have WiFi calling enabled, I will switch it off and monitor call quality. I am located in Northwest Ohio (specifically Defiance). I have noticed my phone does switch from 5G to LTE quite often when I'm using data with WiFi off.

ACE - Sage


118.4K Messages

1 month ago

Ooo, yeah that can be a problem as well. IPhones have the option of turning off 5G and settings (At least I think they still do). If you have solid LTE, turning off 5G might resolve it

ACE - Expert


24.9K Messages

1 month ago

WiFi-C is one, only as good as your WiFi signal and two, the strength of the incoming cellular signal, which we alluded to above. We have iPhones as well and just leave WiFi-C (as well as WiFi, which is different) and cellular on. The cellular signal in our house varies a bit so leaving WiFi-C (and WiFi) and cellular enabled works for us as far as call quality and reliability goes. No problem with data (which uses WiFi). My iPhone is 5G capable, which I leave at 5G Auto. As far as 5G goes, it depends on where I'm at if I get 5G or 5Ge (enhanced LTE). Doesn't really matter to me. 

Community Support


232.9K Messages

1 month ago

Hello @Hamer76,

Thanks for reaching out to us, and we understand the importance of good coverage.

To switch your iPhone from LTE to 5G, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on Cellular (or Mobile Data).
  3. Tap on Cellular Data Options (or Mobile Data Options).
  4. Under Voice & Data, you’ll find three options:
    • 5G Auto: This enables Smart Data mode. When 5G speeds don’t significantly improve your experience, your iPhone automatically switches to LTE to save battery life. The 5G icon appears based on your carrier’s network configuration, even when 5G coverage isn’t available.
    • 5G On: Always uses the 5G network when available. Note that this may reduce battery life.
    • LTE: Uses only the LTE network, even if 5G is available1.
  5. Choose the option that best suits your preferences.

We hope this information helps you, if you have further questions do reach out to us.

Thank you for contacting AT&T Community Forums.
Veronica, AT&T Community Specialist.

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