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1 Message

Sunday, August 11th, 2013 4:37 PM

GoPhone Sim Question~

Hey guys. Quick question. I'm thinking of putting in my regular sim card (I'm on a contract) into the AT7T Z431 GoPhone simply because I need a change of pace (I have the LG Expression).


I have a talk plan and unlimited texting (no data, which is why this phone is ideal for me). My question is, if I order the GoPhone from BestBuy, will I be able to use the phone fully? I don't know how the locked/unlocked situation functions for GoPhones.


Thanks guys!

Accepted Solution

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10.2K Messages

11 years ago

Yes, you should have no problem switching your SIM card between the phones. Your plan should be fine and everything.

Enjoy! 🙂



27 Messages

11 years ago

Sorry, new to SIM cards...  Let me see if I understand.


If we transfer our current non-ATT number to ATT and get, say an LG xpression to be a messaging phone under a Data Share plan, and we find it as bad as the reviews say it is, we can purchase one of the old gophones or similar phones that have a good history, move the SIM card and everything should work  as long as the SIM card was unlocked and no change to our plan will need to be made?



10.2K Messages

11 years ago

@ausphoche wrote:

Sorry, new to SIM cards...  Let me see if I understand.


If we transfer our current non-ATT number to ATT and get, say an LG xpression to be a messaging phone under a Data Share plan, and we find it as bad as the reviews say it is, we can purchase one of the old gophones or similar phones that have a good history, move the SIM card and everything should work  as long as the SIM card was unlocked and no change to our plan will need to be made?

Yes, that is correct. You have the option to use almost any AT&T branded or unlocked phone of your choice that supports AT&T's network bands. You also have the option to switch phones to your heart's content. 


As part of a Mobile Share data plan, it sounds like you're interested in postpaid service as AT&T's prepaid GoPhone plans do not offer that option. Be aware that if you decide to upgrade to a smartphone, you would need to add a data plan. Not saying that you should or that you have to, just making you aware. 🙂



27 Messages

11 years ago

Oddly, we have a share plan already. Our son had to transition earlier than our current supplier's contract would allow wife and I to transfer numbers.  So we signed him up (with his iphone) into a share plan we can now migrate too. I use a smart phone but my wife has no real desire. She wants a reliable phone with a slide out keyboard and data usage is minor.  We don't want to pay for a smart phone and messaging phones (cost and function) are what is desired there. However, the reviews on the currenly available phones is dismal. If our experience turns sour, we want to be able to change to a workable phone without upgrading our service to "smart phone" status. There seems to be no reall smartphones out there with a slide out keyboard... What I am unsure about is what constitues a "smart phone"?


We see we can buy, new in the box, some prior supported phones with far better reviews and may want to execute on that option althought it will be more expensive.



10.2K Messages

11 years ago

A smartphone is any "high-tech" cell phone with a built-in web browser including Safari, Linux (Android), Windows, Symbian, BlackBerry, etc. Smartphones are usually the "fancy" phones with the big screens and all the bells and whistles. AT&T does offer some smartphones with a slide-out keyboard, albeit very few.

I would definitely recommend purchasing a reliable non-smartphone if that's what you're aiming for. In my experience, phones manufactured in between the flip phone days and smartphones seem to be the most problematic. Even if you have to purchase one that's a few years old, hey, if it works, it works. When it all boils down, I'd rather use a 5 year-old phone that can make a call instead of a brand new one that has countless features but can't be used because the phone refuses to work properly.



27 Messages

11 years ago

OK. So I was a vague...  My wifes EVO shift is pretty much more phone than she knows how to use. So I was looking at both the Samsung Appeal and the Glide. They are available "new in box" but not directly from ATT.  The Appeal is very similar to her old shift in performance and size.  So I was wondering if, since it has wifi if it is considered a smart phone by ATT or since it's only 3G data, it qualifies as a messaging phone. And what on earth would we say to convince someone at ATT store to add it to our shared plan as a messaging phone?


The glide is apparently a smart phone because it's much newer and more powerful, but it has the hard keyboard she likes although I don't know if she would like the "feel" of it unless it's like the Appeal.



10.2K Messages

11 years ago

@ausphoche wrote:

OK. So I was a vague...  My wifes EVO shift is pretty much more phone than she knows how to use. So I was looking at both the Samsung Appeal and the Glide. They are available "new in box" but not directly from ATT.  The Appeal is very similar to her old shift in performance and size.  So I was wondering if, since it has wifi if it is considered a smart phone by ATT or since it's only 3G data, it qualifies as a messaging phone. And what on earth would we say to convince someone at ATT store to add it to our shared plan as a messaging phone?


The glide is apparently a smart phone because it's much newer and more powerful, but it has the hard keyboard she likes although I don't know if she would like the "feel" of it unless it's like the Appeal.

Yes, the Samsung Galaxy Appeal and Captivate Glide are both smartphones because they have Wi-Fi capabilities and operate on the Android OS. I'm not sure what you could say to "get away with" adding the phone as a messaging phone. Unfortunately, I do not think AT&T would allow you to do that. Keep in mind that your wife does not have to use a data package if she doesn't want to. 

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