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6 Messages

Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 2:37 AM

Network Coverage (or lack thereof) - Norman, OK

Over the past week, I seem to be losing more and more bars of cell phone coverage in NE Norman, OK.  It was especially noticeable yesterday, when it dropped to 2 bars.  While it was aggravating, I was still able to open facebook posts, read comments, and semi-watch YouTube videos.  However, today it got worse, and I can only get 1 bar anywhere around my house, both inside and out.  I can't watch any YouTube videos (unless I want to let it buffer 17 minutes just to watch a 6 minute video), and my daughter thought it was funny when she timed me opening a facebook comment on one of my posts, and it took 37 seconds to open.  It's not due to data restrictions, as we have unlimited data.  I'm using strictly AT&T mobile data (no WiFi), and not sure why the drop of cellular coverage of the past few days.  I am about 3.5 miles from an AT&T tower, so I'm not sure what the deal is.  Anyone have any suggestions?



6 Messages

8 years ago

Update:  Just got off the phone with tech support.  Apparently, the S5, which my wife has, and the S7, which I have (I assume the S6 as well) have the new HD Voice capability, however, per the technician, it isn't quite compatible with AT&T's network just yet and causes a conflict at times, and needs to be turned off.  It is found under the "Mobile Data" menu, and the "Enhanced LTE Services" needs to be un-checked, the phone turned off, while the technician "reboots" your mobile network.  When you come back online, you "should" have better network service.  And, this is not associated with the 4G LTE service, just the "enhanced" communication services.  After we performed this function with the S5, it started getting 2-3 bars.  When we tried this on the S7, it did not work, and my phone continues to only get 1 bar.  While it can still make calls, which is most important, I am unable to connect to Google Play, Facebook, YouTube, and now, when sending text Messages, the other party's reply appears 'before' my text that I just sent them.  Sooo, my case is being elevated to the engineer department for further investigation.  To be continued...



3.5K Messages

8 years ago

What kind of signal do you get OUTSIDE in this location?



6 Messages

8 years ago

 2-3 bars, in the Oklahoma City metro area, however, this is also inside a building.  I am not sure during my drive to and from work, as I really don't look at my phone on the road.  



3.5K Messages

8 years ago

On your phone, while outside your home (to eliminated building material and indoor impacts) go to SETTINGS - ABOUT PHONE/DEVICE - STATUS - SIM CARD STATUS.


There is a line, SIGNAL STRENGTH. What numbers does it list there?



6 Messages

8 years ago

-115 dBm 23 asu



6 Messages

8 years ago

Any ideas? Is that slow, average, fast?

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