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30 Messages

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 7:23 PM

what is the future of the cell phone signals and towers?

Hi.  i was at a park with a lot of trees, plus the park was a valley and i looked at my phone and it said "no service".  i was able to get to an open road and i got 2 dot signals so it was no big deal.

the reason i'm here:  i just have a question of: what is future of phone signals? will cell towers slowly disappear and be replaced with technology  where no matter where you are your phone just works? i know there are satellite phones but will that technology eventually trickle down to the customer?


i know companies can't tell us the future but if u can inbox me, thanks.



26 Messages

10 years ago

Hello Cartaker1379,


That is a great question and me being a physicist I can tell you that it will probably lead to Quantum Entanglement Communication. But this will take a long time still and most Scientist are still trying to understand this phenomenon where by a particle is effected directly in a quantum state without any known interaction. All wireless communication use a particle called a Photon and this particle is traveling across space, to which the wave is effected by trees and other particles. The is called Attenuation and at&t Engineers use the Attenuation coefficient formula to figure out how well a signal is effect by air, water, ect... Which in result would either make them raise the output power of a transmitter. This effects the signal that you are experience when around trees. That is the short fall of wave particle communication. However, the theory with QEC is that you could communicate directly with out the short falls of waves and interactions of other particles.

AT&T is still working on placing Small cells around areas like parks, buildings in downtown, and other area to mitigate the effect you are seeing. You should use Mark the Spot from AT&T app and see if you can send that coordinate to at&t.


Hope that helps J



30 Messages

10 years ago

sounds awesome! thanks! 🙂



30 Messages

10 years ago

I tried to learn more about QEC but it was a lot of big words and i didn't completely understand it.
It would be so awesome if the future phone/devices would just use the make up of the atmosphere and just the air as a "signal".  no need for tower maintenance.  everything about a carrier would be even cheaper.  but the thing is: would a carrier do this?  it would mean less jobs  haha.


but picture it:  u can be in the middle a desert no mans land and your phone would be as clear as if you were around 10 towers.


it would also be awesome for emergency calls.  no more "no signal" if your life is threatened.

Maybe someday 🙂



26 Messages

10 years ago

Quantum Entanglement is a very hard subject to understand but its neat that you are trying to understand. I am not to sure I fully understand your idea but if i understand you correctly about using AIR as medium for conducting wireless communication it does not work that way exactly. In fact air does the opposite and creates resistance to waves.


To put in a nutshell about QEC the theory goes that if you had a Entangled particle inserted artificially in a chip like your phone, and its sister entangled particle was somewhere on at&t voice servers then, at&t can manipulate the particle spin and the particle that its in your phone would proportional be the opposite spin towards the particle that at&t is manipulating regardless of distance. But there are some issues with this theroy also. With Quantum Computing we deal with true intrinsic randomness and not literal mathmatics as with computer circuits. There is something called Quantum Probablity Mathmatics that deal with odd outputs of entangled particles.


Regardless there still lots of work that needs to be done to make it where a cell phone provider could use it as a communication technology. For now the best that cell phone provider is to create a greater circumference of signal around dead spots.

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